Pancreatic cancer–Neoadjuvant therapy

来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meng8500
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In spite of the high mortality in pancreatic cancer, significant progress is being made. This review discusses multimodality therapy for patients with pancreatic cancer. Surgical therapy currently offers the only potential monomodal cure for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. However only 10%–20% of patients present with tumors that are amenable to resection, and even after resection of localized cancers, long term survival is rare. The addition of chemoradiation therapy significantly increases median survival. To achieve long-term success in treating this disease it is therefore increasingly important to identify effective neoadjuvant/adjuvant multimodality therapies. Preoperative chemoradiation for potentially resectable pancreatic cancer has the following advantages: (1) neoadjuvant treatment would eliminate the delay of adjuvant treatment due to postoperative complications; (2) neoadjuvant treatment could avoid unnecessary surgery for patients with metastatic disease evident on restaging after neoadjuvant therapy; (3) downstaging after neoadjuvant therapy may increase the likelihood for negative surgical margins; and (4) neoadjuvant treatment could prevent peritoneal tumor cell implantation and dissemination caused during surgery. This review systematically summarizes the current status, controversies, and prospects of neoadjuvant treatment of pancreatic cancer. In this review, multimodality therapy for patients with pancreatic cancer. Surgical therapy currently offers only only monomodal cure for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. However only 10% -20% of patients present with tumors that are amenable to resection, and even after resection of localized cancers, long term survival is rare. The addition of chemoradiation therapy significantly increases median survival. To achieve long-term success in treating this disease it is therefore increasingly important to identify effective Preoperative chemoradiation for potentially resectable pancreatic cancer has the following advantages: (1) neoadjuvant treatment would eliminate the delay of adjuvant treatment due to postoperative complications; (2) neoadjuvant treatment could avoid unnecessary surgery for patients with metastatic disease evident on restaging after neoadjuvant therapy may increase the likelihood for negative surgical margins; and (4) neoadjuvant treatment could prevent peritoneal tumor cell implantation and dissemination caused during surgery. This review systematically summarizes the current status, controversies, and prospects. of neoadjuvant treatment of pancreatic cancer.
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摘 要:生命视野下的语文有效教学能够使个体认识自我、发现自我、肯定自我,从而最终实现自我的超越。同时让学生在有效教学的指引下积极参与课堂学习,主动探究,获取知识,真正实现情感、态度和价值观的构建和提升以及生命的和谐发展。本文从走进文本,探寻生命的本质力量;走进活动,彰显生命的智慧能力;走进生活,促进生命的和谐发展三方面入手,探究了生命视野下语文有效教学的途径。  关键词:高中语文;生命视野下;有效
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