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1984年春节。在这个象征着新春到来、万象更新的传统节日里,深圳市的闹市区,人声鼎沸,熙熙攘攘,呈现一派节日欢乐的气氛。“深圳青年报,深圳青年创办的报纸,青年朋友,各界人士快来买啊!”一伙青年人的高喊声,增添了节日的色彩,吸引着过往行人。这些卖报的青年,就是这张报纸的年轻编辑记者们。那个戴着近视镜的瘦高个儿,就是该报副总编辑刘红军。 Spring Festival of 1984. In this traditional holiday symbolizing the arrival of the new year and the renovation of Vientiane, the downtown area of ​​Shenzhen is full of voices and bustling atmosphere of festive joy. “Shenzhen Youth Daily, Shenzhen Youth founded the newspaper, young friends, people from all walks of life come and buy ah!” A group of young people shouting, adding to the festivals of color, attracting the passing pedestrians. The youth who sell the newspaper are the young editorial reporters of the newspaper. The tall and thin, wearing myopia, is the newspaper’s chief editor Liu Hongjun.
Aim: To determine whether glioma cells can be specifically and efficiently tar- geted by superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPIO)-fluorescein isothiocya
Aim: The interaction of anthracyclinc anticancer drugs with chromatin, nuclco-somes and historic H1 has been extensively studied. In the present study, for the
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Aim: To seek a novel and potent antitussive drug based on Shedan-Chuanbei powder, a complex of traditional Chinese medicine preparation for cough therapy.Method
设置棉花不同品种、水份、肥料、密度等多种处理,于不同生育时期测定棉花群体叶面积指数(LAI)与采集冠层近地高光谱数据,收获时测定棉花产量,分析了光谱对不同LAI棉花冠层的响应及棉花产量与LAI相关关系,建立了棉花产量定量监测模型。具体研究结果如下: 1) LAI与光谱反射率在可见光波段与短波红外波段呈显著负相关,与近红外波段高光谱反射率呈显著正相关。LAI与棉花冠层微分光谱主要在蓝边(523
In an effort to develop effective alteative strategies that increase the therapeu-tic efficacy and minimize the systemic toxicity of chemotherapeutic agents, mo
Aim: To investigate whether baicalin and berberine affects the transport of nimodipine (NMD) across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Methods: Primary-cultured, ra