Carbon isotopic record of foraminifers in surface sediments from the South China Sea and its signifi

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The study is based on stable carbon isotopic measurements of 112 foraminiferal samples from surface sediments at 40 sites in the South China Sea (SCS). δ 13C of foraminifers and ?δ C between planktonic and benthic 13 foraminiferal species exhibit a low value area at the north- eastern and southern ends of the SCS. It is correlated with the nutrient distributional pattern in the SCS and circumja- cent area, the influence of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons on water flow and water chemistry in the SCS. The monsoons have not only brought nutrients to the upper part of the sea but also disturbed water and decreased dif- ference between the surface and bottom water. Its influence is most obvious at both ends, which resulted in the low value areas in δ 13C and ?δ 13C at the ends. The distributional pat- tern of the stable carbon isotope in the SCS is a reflection of the East Asian monsoons. The study is based on stable carbon isotopic measurements of 112 foraminiferal samples from surface sediments at 40 sites in the South China Sea (SCS). Δ 13 C of foraminifers and δ δ between planktonic and benthic 13 foraminiferal species exhibit a low value area at the north-eastern and southern ends of the SCS. It is correlated with the nutrient distributional pattern in the SCS and circumja-cent area, the influence of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons on water flow and water chemistry in the SCS. The monsoons have not only brought nutrients to the upper part of the sea but also disturbed water and decreased dif- ference between the surface and bottom water. Its influence is most obvious at both ends, which resulted in the low value areas in δ 13C and? δ 13C at the ends. The distributional pat tern of the stable carbon isotope in the SCS is a reflection of the East Asian monsoons.
作者简介:刘良(1988-),男,硕士在读,华东交通大学经济管理学院硕士,中国注册会计师(非执业会员),研究方向:人力资源管理、财务管理。  万华(1965-),男,博士学位,华东交通大学经济管理学院副教授,研究方向:企业管理以及经济转型。  摘要:本研究拟通过梳理心理契约相关研究的基础上,将心理契约的理论知识在中国的注册会计师行业得到恰当的运用,丰富会计师事务所人力资源管理的理论知识,为会计师事
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【摘要】传统的电子技术实训存在教学内容缺乏创新性,教学模式落后等问题,针对这些问题,引入CDIO教育理念,并将CDIO项目教学法运用于该课程的教学改革中。基于CDIO理念的电子技术实训教学改革与实践较好地融合了“构想—设计—实施—运行”的指导思想,提高了学生通过自己分析、解决问题的能力。要顺利完成基于CDIO的实验项目,不仅要有厚实的基础知识,而且要有良好的沟通能力并具有开拓创新的精神。  【关键