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The ability of plants to safely retain seeds in the mother plant is an adaptive mechanism described in many desert plants.However,research about delayed seed dispersal species in the desert of the United Arab Emirates(UAE)is lacking.This study aims to ide
Central Asia is located in the hinterland of Eurasia, comprising Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan; over 93.00% of the total area is dryland. Temperature rise and human activities have severe impacts on the fragile ecosystem
Precipitation and temperature are the most abiotic factors that greatly impact the yield of crop,particularly in dryland.Barley,as the main cereal is predominantly cultivated in dryland and the livelihood of smallholders depends on the production of this
【摘要】新班主任在与家长合作中,需要突破思维定式的局限,放弃成见,达到更好的家校协同效果。首先新教师要知道自己的局限,以旁观者的角度来观察、发现自身的成见与偏见。其次要放下旧有的成见,接受和尊重对方。再次要带着同理心倾听家长的表达,沟通彼此的想法与感受。最后要共同寻找解决问题的方案。  【关键词】新教师;班主任;家校合作  【中图分类号】G451 【文献标志码】B 【文章编号】1005-6009(
Zarrineh River is located in the northwest of Iran,providing more than 40%of the total inflow into the Lake Urmia that is one of the largest saltwater lakes on the earth.Lake Urmia is a highly endangered ecosystem on the brink of desiccation.This paper st
图/方 宁  1、从第一辆汽车问世后,汽车数量急剧增加,由于管理不善,致使交通混乱,车祸不断。  2、怎么样改善和治理混乱的交通状况呢?1901年,德国商业家鲁道夫一连好几天在街上仔细观察来往的车辆。
摘 要:探寻圆融语文真境,构建圆融语文“五环节”课堂模式,扣紧单元人文主题,深挖文本语文素养,把听、说、读、写的能力培养和品、悟、思、辨的方法指导在环环相扣的五个环节中有机圆融,体现“情理交融、简约丰厚”的教学理念,凸显圆融语文含蓄之美,淳朴之真。  关键词:圆融语文;五环节;课堂教学;整体感知  语文教师应该是最具人文情怀、人文底蕴的群体。探索构建“圆融语文”,谙圆融之妙,授圆融之道,让学生学习
The quantification of carbon storage in vegetation biomass is a crucial factor in the estimation and mitigation of CO2 emissions.Globally,arid and semi-arid regions are considered an important carbon sink.However,they have received limited attention and,t
Nitraria tangutorum nebkhas are widely distributed in the arid and semi-arid desert areas of China.The formation and development of N.tangutorum nebkhas are the result of the interaction between vegetation and the surrounding environment in the process of