Charge Transport Properties of Tetrabenz[a,c,h,j]-anthracene Derivatives

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shaoyan_8
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Charge transport properties of F, OH, OCH3, SH and SCH3-substituted tetra- benz[a,c,h,j]- anthracene derivative molecules have been investigated theoretically at the B3LYP/6-31G** level using Marcus theory. The results showed that at 300 K, the hole or electron transport capability of F or SH-substituted molecules was better obviously than that of OH or OCH3-substituted molecules. The electron transport capability of SCH3-substituted and F or SH-substituted molecules was superior to their hole transport capability, respectively. F, SH or SCH3-substituted tetrabenz[a,c,h,j]-anthracene derivative molecules can be used as electron transport materials. Charge transport properties of F, OH, OCH3, SH and SCH3-substituted tetra- benz [a, c, h, j] - anthracene derivative molecules have been investigated theoretically at the B3LYP / 6-31G ** level using Marcus theory. results showed that at 300 K, the hole or electron transport capability of F or SH-substituted molecules was better obviously than that of OH or OCH3-substituted molecules. The electron transport capability of SCH3-substituted and F or SH-substituted molecules was superior F, SH or SCH3-substituted tetrabenz [a, c, h, j] -anthracene derivative molecules can be used as electron transport materials.
1 临床资料1.1 资料来源:自1988年9月至12月,来我院及外院等五个医院妇产科门诊就诊的阴道炎患者.1.2 用药方法:经化验(取阴道分泌物涂片用革兰氏染色法及悬滴法)明确病原菌
自然流产的发生率较高,约占全部妊娠的20%. 自然流产,尤其反复流产可给孕妇的身心健康带来严重影响.因此,对发生流产的患者应给予足够的重视;对反复流产者,在妊娠前就应进行
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