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我出生在太行,是道地的太行山民之子。太行的博大、沉雄、浑厚、凝重的特质深深地刻在我的心上。1962年我在天津美院的毕业创作《漳河畔》组画,以及1963年的《老来红》的问世,曾以牧歌式的泥土画风描绘过太行的山川风物、田园意境,曾被评为全国美展优秀作,人藏中国美术馆,并赴欧非七国展出。 30多年后的今天,我的艺术经受了现代观念的洗礼。经过了8年多的积累、生聚、思考与努力,我逐渐地明确了自己的美学追求,发现了个人与北方山水之间在艺术气质上的同构关系,明确了太行形貌、客观之形只能作为我的生命载体。一种真诚朴素的乡情和宏观把握太行山魂的理性认识的化合,升华了我的太行新作的精 I was born in Taihang, is the son of the Taihangshan people. Taihang’s broad, Shen-hung, vigorous, dignified nature deeply engraved in my heart. In 1962, I graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, “Zhang River” group painting, and 1963 “Laolaihong” advent of the past, had a pastiches style portrayal of the Taihang Mountains scenery, pastoral mood, was named The National Fine Arts Exhibition is outstanding, possession of China Art Museum, and went to Europe and Africa on display. More than 30 years later, my art has endured the baptism of modern concepts. After more than eight years of accumulation, gathering, thinking and working hard, I gradually clarified my own pursuit of aesthetics, discovered the isomorphic relationship between the personal and northern landscapes in terms of artistic temperament, defined the appearance of Taihang and objectively Shaped only as a carrier of my life. A sincere and simple nostalgia and macroscopic grasp of the soul of the Taihangshan rational combination of knowledge, sublimation of my Taihang new work fine
一台孔雀 Q47—39型彩电,加装了华龙 YS608AV/TV 转换模板,原电路板上用的是四模拟电子开关D4053BC(NEC 852887)作 AV/TV 信号转换,其相关引脚在电路中的实际用法如图1所示(
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