
来源 :国画家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loogog
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我出生在美丽的海滨城市青岛,入伍后又当上了水兵,20多年的军旅生涯,同大海、礁石、山川结下了缘分,闲暇时,坐在大海的礁盘上,倾听着海涛的喘息,每每置身其中。那裸露的礁石,咆啸的浪涛,无不透出一种神秘的魅力,时时撩动着我的情怀。萌发着创作的冲动,逐渐形成了我绘画艺术中所追求的那种高大、耸立、雄伟、寂静、惟美的风格。在画面表现的特征上,我更着力于追求北方山海壮美的品貌,在我看来,我眼中的山川物象充满了本质力量和生命的本真之美,“天风浪浪,海山苍苍,真力弥满,万象之旁”,自然的茂朴雄浑让我感动,一种表现天地大美的欲望常常充溢于我的内心。对于山与海的描写,成为我在表现自我精神追求与个性品格的切入点,以求“物真为本,情境两 I was born in Qingdao, a beautiful coastal city. After joining the army, I became a sailor. After more than 20 years of military career, I settled on the reefs of the sea, reefs and mountains. At leisure, I sat on the reef of the sea and listened to Haitao’s Breath, often exposure to them. That bare rocks, roaring waves, all reveal a mysterious charm, always flirting with my feelings. The germination of the creative impulse, and gradually formed the kind of tall, towering, majestic, silent, aesthetic style pursued in my art of painting. In terms of the characteristics of the picture, I focus more on the magnificent beauty of the northern mountains and seas. In my opinion, the landscape in my eyes is full of the essence of nature and the true beauty of life. “The waves of heaven and the sea are dark, , Vientiane next to ”the natural majesty touched me, a desire to show the beauty of heaven and earth are often filled with my heart. For the description of the mountains and the sea, as my point of entry in the performance of self-spiritual pursuit and personality, in order to "real things, the situation two
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