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<正>The studies on the effect of atmospheric aerosol on climate and environment are hot issues in the current circle of international science and technology. In
The implicit nonlinear normal mode initialization (INMI) is applied to a tropical limited area shallow water modelin spherical coordinates.The boundary conditio
Predominantly in the context of Japan GMS-derived T<sub>BB</sub> data,study is undertaken of therelationship between the winter thermal conditions of the Qingha
73岁的孙之明是一名退休教师,16年前,认识了比自己小20多岁的女人陈云华。在陈云华的穷追不舍下,孙之明瞒着子女与其结了婚,并且还瞒着子女将房产公证给了妻子……然而,随着岁月的流逝,再婚的烦恼渐渐使他心力交瘁,直至这个女人要把他扫地出门时, 他才恍然大悟——这是一场跨越了16年之久的爱情阴谋。    因为怜惜 忘年交最终走进婚姻殿堂    1992年,57岁的孙之明在成都市某厂子弟学校教书,老伴去
The crop model World Food Studies (WOFOST) was tuned and validated with meteorological as well as winter wheat growth and yield data at 24 stations in 5 provinc
A linear,hemispheric and stationary spectral model with multilayers in the vertical was employed to simulate thevertical propagation of waves triggered by mount
Discussions are carried out on the vertical discretization of current atmospheric models.It ispointed out that there exist problems in the integration of the hy