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海馬养殖是一項新的工作,我們在党的領导下,于去年八月开始进行养殖試驗,由于經驗少,难免存在缺点,希读者批評指正。一、海馬养殖的意义海馬是經济价值很高的海产品,它在我国很早就被利用。据历史記載和民間应用可作健身补腎、消炎、止痛、止血、催生、强心等用,特別对于治疗神經系统疾病更有卓效。国內外市場历来就供不应求,但在我国从未进行过人工养殖,据了解,世界各国也未有人工养殖的。因此,在我国社会主义建設大躍进的今天,大力發展海马养殖,不但具有很大的經济意义,同时有更大的政治意义。海馬对生活环境变化具有很大适应性,生活力强,成長速,繁殖快,栖息环境要求不高,具有相当的适温性和广鹽性、所用飼料种类多等特点,因此海馬种苗已可人工繁殖。二、海馬形态碧州出产的海馬是屬于內湾性的珊瑚簈R(或叫日本海馬),身体侧扁,体長最大的8—9公分(头冠至尾尖),分头、軀尾三部。肌肉甚少,主要是由骨质环連接構成;較大的骨环常显黄腊色,或白色等。体無鳞,体色常隨栖息环境的不同而有变化,呈褐色、黄绿、黄腊色或略帶微紅等色。头粗看似馬头,与軀互成近似直角形;头軀交界处細小。腹部突出銳利,雄的更 The cultivation of hippocampus is a new task. Under the leadership of the Party, we began the breeding experiment in August last year. Due to the lack of experience, it is inevitable that there are shortcomings. The Greek readers criticized and corrected. First, the significance of hippocampal culture Haima is a high value of marine products, it was used very early in our country. According to historical records and folk applications can be used for bodybuilding kidney, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bleeding, birth, strong heart and other purposes, especially for the treatment of neurological diseases more outstanding. Domestic and foreign markets have historically been in short supply, but they have never been farmed in China. It is understood that no countries in the world have also cultivated. Therefore, in today’s great leap forward in socialist construction in our country, vigorously developing hippocampal culture not only has great economic significance, but also has greater political significance. Seahorse has great adaptability to changes in the living environment, strong living ability, rapid growth, rapid reproduction, low requirements for habitat, considerable temperature and salinity, and many types of feed used, so hippocampal seedlings have been Can be artificially propagated. Second, the shape of the hippocampus The hippocampus produced in Bizhou is a coral reef R (or called the Japanese seahorse) that belongs to the Inner Bay. It has a flat body, a body length of 8-9 cm (the crown to the tip), and three heads and tails. Little muscle, mainly composed of bone rings connected; larger bone rings often show yellow wax, or white. The body has no scales, and the body color often changes with the habitat. It is brown, yellowish green, yellow wax or slightly reddish. The head is thick and looks like a horse’s head, and it forms an approximately right-angled shape with the torso; the head is small at the junction. The abdomen is sharper and the male is more
三七叶总皂甙系从三七Panax notoginseng(Burk)F·H·Chen叶中提得的白色粉末,为达马烷型四环三帖皂甙,以含人参二醇型皂甙为主。急性毒性实验:雄性小鼠分别灌胃三七叶总皂
1.预知子与木通果 (八月扎与八月炸) 预知子(始载于宋“开宝本草”,“纲目”列于卷十八蔓草类)。别名:圣知子,圣先子,盍合子,仙治子(曰华)·八月扎(药学大辞典)。本品,据伊
中国药典(1977年版)收载了中药紫石英、花蕊石和硫黄,但无鉴别方法。为了避免品种混乱,确保疗效和用药安全,提出鉴别方法如下: 一、紫石英紫石英为立方晶系萤石的矿石,主含