Construction of protein-protein interaction network based on transcriptome profiling of ovine granul

来源 :生物学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinohydromusc
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BACKGROUND:Small antral follicles as the final reserve of folliculogenesis,are existed throughout the reproductive life span of sheep.However,the ovarian cycles of ewe cease in the anestrus phase.This study was aimed to elucidate the ovarian small antral follicles transcriptome in the ewe’s anestrus phase.METHODS:Granulosa cells of small antral follicles (≤ 3 mm) were collected from two groups of Mehraban ewes under long days of summer in the non-breeding season as anestrus phase.Transcriptome profiling of these granulosa cells were obtained using the RNA-Seq technology.An integrative analysis was utilized to identify key regulatory genes which may have potential impacts on intra-ovarian molecular activities.RESULTS:Globally,14506 genes were expressed whose higher expressions belonged to genes that encoded ribosomal proteins.Top significant terms of gene ontology were pertained to protein translational processes.Apart of this,most of highly significant terms were also relevant to apoptotic process through extracellular vesicles,including apoptotic bodies and exosomes.Regarding to node effect property,UBA52 (ubiquitin A-52 residue ribosomal protein fusion product 1) and RPS5 (ribosomal proteins S5) contained in highest out-degree and in-degree,respectively.CONCLUSION:Our data suggest that ribosomal mRNA/proteins could make the granulosa cells undergo a lot of changes from the point of view that ovarian activities are ceased in the anestrus phase.
本研究以不同基因型的3个铁皮石斛(Dendrobium candidum)品种ZD-1、 ZD-2、ZD-3为试验材料,研究了不同低温(5、0和-2℃)下处理不同时间段(6、12和18h)及恢复生长过程中铁皮石斛组培幼苗的生理生化反应特性,为探讨耐寒性指标,了解新品系耐寒性强弱,分别测定了丙二醛(MDA)和叶绿素含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、抗坏血酸过
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本文提出了一种利用VFW接口函数,实现了C3I系统的图像采集,捕捉到的视频图像用于编码发送。可以实现通用视频采集卡的操作。 This paper presents a use of VFW interface f