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Seventeen. That’s the number of China’s actual working days in February, largely due to the Spring Festival. Yet somehow, in such a short working month, exports soared to new highs, causing the trade surplus to boom once again. According to statistics from the General Administration of Customs, exports in February hit $82.1 billion, up 51.7 percent compared with that of the previous year. Imports reached $5834 billion, rising 13.1 percent. The export growth rate was a record. Wang Yifu, Vice Governor of Fujian Province and a member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, shared his views with Beijing Review on how to solve the trade imbalance. Seventeen. That’s the number of China’s actual working days in February, largely due to the Spring Festival. Yet somehow, in such a short working month, exports soared to new highs, causing the trade surplus to boom once again. According to statistics from the General Administration of Customs, exports in February hit $82.1 billion, up 51.7 percent compared with that the previous year. Imports reached $5834 billion, rising 13.1 percent. The export growth rate was a record. Wang Yifu, Vice Governor of Fujian Province and a Member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, shared his views with Beijing Review on how to solve the trade imbalance.
中国商务部部长薄熙来任职的三年,外界评价是中国入世后发生国际贸易争端最频繁的三年,也是在贸易问题上频频亮相媒体的三年。他对入世五年来的打分与拉米一样:A+。 Bo Xila
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作为零售业,传统的杂货店突出一个“全”字。但实际上,多数小杂货经营的商品种类都不相上下,而店里的生意却千差万别。  那么,成功的经营者有哪些窍门呢?以下几个实例或者可以为你带来一些启发。    巧妙减价    在对手打出“100元卖90元”的广告牌时,老王却在自家超市的门口挂上了“100元买110元商品”的牌子。结果,老王的生意明显比对门的要好很多。这是什么道理呢?  原来“100元买110元商品
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Get 一词可以说是英语中使用频率最高的词,most frequently used,是一个被用滥了的词,one of the hardest-workedwords in the English language。英国维多利亚时代有个作家
当你和爱人相互依偎,留下温馨瞬间时,你是否想过让这瞬间成为永恒的美丽;当你骑着机车驰骋在赛场,留下英俊的身影时,你是否想过让这帅气的一刻再现您的手中;当你即将准备出外学习、创业时,你是否想过让你的形象铭刻于每个亲朋好友的心中呢?如今,你的这些愿望已经能得以实现,因为,你只要提供你的照片,他们便会实现你的梦想!这便是专做陶土公仔的陶一行!    邂逅商机,做独一份儿生意    说起陶一行,我们不得不