Similarity based mixed transaction concurrency control protocol

来源 :重庆大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenaabb1111
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Due to the various performance requirements and data access restrictions of different types of real-time transactions, concurrency control protocols which had been designed for the systems with single type of transactions are not sufficient for mixed real-time database systems (MRTDBS), where different types of real-time transactions coexist in the systems concurrently. In this paper, a new concurrency control protocol MRTT_CC for mixed real-time transactions is proposed. The new strategy integrates with different concurrency control protocols to meet the deadline requirements of different types of real-time transactions. The data similarity concept is also explored in the new protocol to reduce the blocking time of soft real-time transactions, which increases their chances to meet the deadlines. Simulation experiments show that the new protocol has gained good performance.
据科学时报 ( 2 0 0 1年 5月 15日 )报道 ,一只患有肝癌的老鼠在接受了高性能磁性阿霉素纳米微疗后 ,其大部分癌细胞被抑制、杀死 ,肿块消失。这是中国卫生部湘雅医学院肝胆
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嘴巴除了用来吃饭之外的最大用处,便是说话了。当然,每个人的性格、特质不同,说出的话自然也是千差万别,或如急风骤雨;或如涓涓细流;或逻辑缜密,环环相扣;或云山雾罩,无所适从。  那么,十二星座的说话风格都是什么样的呢?又会产生怎样的效果呢?  ●白羊座●  羊羊说话最突出的特点便是直来直去,有话照直了说,因此有时候会比较容易得罪人,甚至令人感觉怕怕哦,譬如“你穿的这件衣服真难看”“你的表情吓死人了”
It is known by entropy theory that image is a source correlated with a certain characteristic of probability. The entropy rate of the source and ? entropy (rate
目的: 结肠癌( colorectal cancer, CRC ) 是最常见的消化道恶性肿瘤之一,为第三大常见癌症,在世界范围癌症致死率居第四位。据WHO统计全世界每年有945000例新生病例,并且有49