坚守安全红线 全力保障湖北安全生产

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习近平总书记指出:“安全生产是民生大事,必须坚持发展决不能以牺牲安全为代价这条红线,不能有丝毫侥幸心理”。近年来,全省安监系统认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院和省委、省政府关于安全生产工作的决策部署,坚守安全红线,认真履行安全监管职责,促进了安全生产形势持续稳定好转,全省连续六年实现事故起数、死亡人数“双下降”。“十二五”以来,国家安监总局每年都在湖北召开现场会。我省被国务院安委会确定为全国深化改革试点省份和2个专项改革试点省份。今年以来,全省安全生产形势持续向好,截至7月底实现连续39 General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Safety production is a major event in people’s livelihood. We must uphold development and must never sacrifice safety at the expense of this red line. In recent years, the safety supervision system throughout the province has conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements made by the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government on safe production work, adhered to the safety red line, conscientiously fulfilled their duties of safety supervision, and promoted the continuous and stable improvement of the safety in production. Accident count for six consecutive years, the death toll ”double decline ". Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, the State Administration of Work Safety has held a live meeting in Hubei every year. Our province was identified by the Security Committee of the State Council as the pilot province for deepening reform and two pilot provinces for special reform. Since the beginning of this year, the situation of safety production in the province has continued to improve, reaching a continuous 39 by the end of July
B型超声诊断胸腔积液200例分析邮政编码654300云南省建水县医院B超室赵云宏,段祯麟本文使用SSD-256型、SonolineSI-400型B超仪,探头频率3.5MHz(线阵、凸阵)。除2例取侧卧位肋间探查外,其余全部取坐立位肋间探查,结果200... B-m
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