来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gomo08
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Deduction is made in this paper for the temperature and snowfall in the mountainous areas of East China daring the Quaternary Ice Age based on climatological theories. At that time solar radiation in the summer half year was weak and the altitude of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau was low so that the role of the Plateau as a heat “island” to the atmosphere and the associated Qinghai-Xizang high were both weaker than they are today. In addition, the western Pacific subtropical high was weak, hence, the temperature in the summer half year, especially in middle summer, was far lower than it is now while the polar front in the winter half year was strong and to the south, which is a favorable factor for the snowfall in this period.Calculations made for ice-snow mass balance show that the amount of snowfall was likely to exceed that of snow ablation in north-facing valleys. Deduction is made in this paper for the temperature and snowfall in the mountainous areas of East China daring the Quaternary Ice Age based on climatological theories. At that time solar radiation in the summer half year was weak and the altitude of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau was low so that the role of the Plateau as a heat “island ” to the atmosphere and the associated Qinghai-Xizang high were both weaker than they are today. In addition, the western Pacific subtropical high was weak, hence, the temperature in the summer half year, especially in middle summer, was far lower than it is now while the polar front in the winter half year was strong and to the south, which is a favorable factor for the snowfall in this period. Calculations made for ice- snow mass balance show that the amount of snowfall was likely to exceed that of snow ablation in north-facing valleys.
目的:分析妇产超声诊断实践教学效果.方法:选取2017年7月-2019年7月超声科接收的50名影像专业实习医学生及进修生,通过多元化的教学方法 开展实践教学,并在实习结束时进行考
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三、分块抽样法 前面,我们已经说过,对于海洋调查研究中的抽样问题来说,总体中所研究指标的方差一般是比较大的。因此,若直接采用上述的随机抽样方法,其所需的样本容量是比