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根据国务院《关于研究道路交通管理分工和地方交通公安机构干警评授警衔问题的会议纪要》(国阅[1993]204号)、《国务院办公厅关于印发交通部职能配置、内设机构和人员编制方案的通知》(国办发[1994]29号)、《国务院办公厅关于印发公安部职能配置、内设机构和人员编制方案的通知》(国办发[1994]45号)的精神,结合我省实际情况,现就我省汽车驾驶学校和驾驶员培训行业管理问题通知如下。一、省、市(地、州)交通行政主管部门是汽车驾驶学校和汽车驾驶员培训的行业主管部门,各级道路运输管理部门负责具体管理工作。二、汽车驾驶员培训行业管理部门要在坚持规划、协调、监督、服务的指导方针下进行行 According to the State Council’s “Meeting Minutes on the Study of Division of Road Traffic Management and the Ranks of Police Commanders Appointed by Local Traffic Police Organizations” (Guo Yue [1993] No. 204), the "General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Functions and Disposal, Establishment and Staffing of the Ministry of Communications (Guo Ban Fa [1994] No. 29), the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Ministry of Public Security’s Function Deployment, Internal Establishment and Staffing Plan (Guo Ban Fa [1994] No. 45) The actual situation in our province, is now on our province car driving school and driver training industry management issues are as follows. First, provincial and municipal (prefectural) traffic administrative department is driving school and car driver training industry authorities, road transport management at all levels is responsible for the specific management. Second, the car driver training industry management departments should adhere to the planning, coordination, supervision and service under the guidelines
1967年,罗兰·巴特(Roland Barthes)花费了十年时间构思的《时装体系》问世。这位法国思想家以其盖世才华,首度以符号学的分析手法,指点他的国家最令人艳羡的时装文化,并为我
搞好计划投资工作促进电力建设改革与发展DoingWelthePlannedInvestmentWorktoPromoteReformationandDevelopmentofElectricPowerConstruction(1997年9月25日)国... Do a good job in investment planning to promote the reform and development of power construction DoingWeltheP