Chinese English Learners’ Perceptions of Accent from the Perspective of English as an International

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  【Abstract】This study attempts to investigate Chinese English learners’ perceptions of accent from the perspective of English as an International Language. The results reveal Chinese English learners’ accent stereotypes and their belief in the authoritative position of the native speakers’ accents. The pedagogical implications are then discussed.
  【Key words】English learners’ perceptions of accent; English as an international language; accent stereotypes
  1. Introduction
  Accent is one of the most frequently mentioned and discussed issues among English learners. Research into English learners’ attitudes towards different accents and their preference could provide a window into their perceptions of different varieties of English.
  The theories of World Englishes and views about English as International Language raised the issue about the ownership of English, challenging the authoritative role of English in the Inner Circle. Among different theories of World Englishes, the most acknowledged one is proposed by Kachru (1985). In his Concentric Circles Model, countries all over the world are divided into three types: the Inner circle, the Outer Circle and the Expanding Circle. As Jenkins (2003) points out, views of this kind are against the traditional opinions about advantages of native speakers who are considered to be better English teachers. From the perspective of pedagogy, a number of scholars have addressed the implications of World Englishes theory for English teaching. Cook (1998) doubts the superiority of native speaker norms in the English language learning and questions its necessity for students who are more likely to use English as an international language to conform to such norms. Kirkpatrick (2007: 37) discussed drawbacks of Inner Circle orientation in English teaching and argues that accent is closely related to English learners’ “personal and group identity”. He further explains that if English learners strive for a native accent viewing it as a ‘correct’ model, their local and cultural identities are likely to be at stake.
  This study attempts to answer the following research questions:
  (1) What are Chinese English majors’ attitudes towards native and non-native speaker accents?
  (2) How is their ability to identify different accents?
  (3) What are their accent goals?
  2. Methodology:
  2.1 Participants:
  Participants in this study were 38 third-year Chinese English majors in the same course. There were 16 males and 22 females. They all passed the TEM 4 and had achieved intermediate or higher levels of language proficiency.   2.2 Listening materials:
  Male speakers with 4 different accents all agreed to participate in the recording of a one-minute listening materials. These speakers who came from Britain, the United State, India and China respectively were required to read the same text. The impacts of confounding factors such as ages of speakers, speed of speech, neutrality and content of text, length of the recordings are considered and minimized.
  2.3 Instrument:
  The instrument in this study was the same questionnaire adopted in Scales, Wennerstrom, Richard, and Wu’s (2006) research. There were altogether 4 identical sections which contained 10 statements about each speaker. Participants were required to indicate whether they agreed with these statements by marking their responses to a 4-point semantic differential scale. Besides they needed to give their overall opinions about each speaker’ accent as well as their own background information.
  2.4 Procedure
  The questionnaires were distributed to participants during a class. Explicit instructions were given to participants about how to fill out the questionnaire. Then, listening materials of each speaker were played to participants in random order.
  3. Results
  3.1 Participants’ ratings of 4 speakers
  When analysing participants’ responses to a 4-point semantic differential scale, each segment was assigned a number (1=disagree; 2=slightly disagree; 3=slightly agree; 4=agree) and then the researcher calculated the average scores of each statement. Table 1 shows the means of participants’ ratings of 4 speakers.
  Table 1
  Participants’ Accent Ratings
  1.American 2.Indian 3. British 4. Chinese Ranking
  is a native speaker 3.74 1.5 3.44 1.28 1
南京市金陵中学实验小学创建于2008年,是建邺区教育局与金陵中学合作创办的一所公办小学。学校位于南京河西新城中部,毗邻南京奥体中心。学校现有42个教学班,1700多名学生,111位教职工。2015年,学校与北京东路小学进行联合办学,探索名校合作办学之路。  高标准,高起点,高定位,是金陵中学实验小学10年铸辉煌的发展密码。建校以来,学校以教育综合改革先行校和教育现代化示范校发展定位为指导,以现代化
打招呼    丁丁有个邻居叫“六姑”,每天骑自行车上班。一早,丁丁在门口碰到她,微笑着客气了一句:“上姑啊,六班……”大姑愣神,搞不明白。丁丁当时恨不得把自已的舌头咬下来。  霹雳星:★★★    局部地区在哪儿    一位老六太不识字,但喜欢听收音机,气象预报每天必听。一天吃饭时她问家人:“我有个问题想问问,你们知道局部地区在什么地方?那儿差不多天天有雨。”  霹雳星:★★★    不好意思  
【摘要】本文旨在探索小学英语形成性评价的系统的可操作性强的评价方式。由于形成性评价的任务是对学生日常学习过程中的表现,所取得的成绩以及所反映出的情感、态度、策略等方面的发展做出评价,因此评价的内容多,时间跨度大。根据这一特点,我在教学过程中,采用了“英语争星计划”对学生的整个学习过程进行监控和评价,取得一定效果。  【关键词】小学英语 形成性评价 争星计划  新版《小学英语课程标准》中指出,小学英
【摘要】本论文选取开封旅游文化丛书为材料,以功能翻译理论为理论基础,对其进行汉英翻译实践。并采用理论与实证相结合的方式,对汉语旅游文本翻译进行探讨,以达到语言和文化的较好翻译效果。并由此得出结论:应用功能理论翻译汉语旅游文本,不仅有助于确定文本的基本翻译策略,还能实现特定文化语境下文本的交际目的,在传递信息和吸引游客方面都有很好表现。  【关键词】功能翻译理论 旅游翻译 山陕甘会馆  【Abstr
转发各种没有营养的垃圾信息,关键的关键是,还刻意注明“不转就倒霉”,诸如此类!  常常是一幅不知所云的图片配上一段同样不知所云的话,乍一眼看去巨深刻巨内涵巨文艺,但压根就没搞明白你想要表达什么意思。同学,你这么深邃,你家里人知道吗?  各种深夜“发吃”最讨厌啦!可乐鸡翅、猪排盖饭、三文鱼、金枪鱼、厚蛋烧……这些“红果果”的“深夜诱惑”让此刻饥肠辘辘的人情何以堪!遇见这样的人直接拉黑有木有!  各种
人在什么时候会用假动作?  在试探别人的时候?  在想达到目的的时候。  1  现在回想起来,大概一切皆有预兆。  我家住在北京西郊的一个石化区。李鸳的爸和我爸都在区里的化工厂上班,她妈是干什么的我也说不上来,只知道她妈是个特别能折腾的女人,同时还是个很凶悍的女人。凶悍到什么程度,凶悍到我曾对我妈说李鸳她妈是天底下最美的女人,倒不是她妈长得多美,而是她妈的氣场强大到可以让我分分钟对我亲妈变节。我那
世界上最 美的温泉  在决定去土耳其旅行并开始研究攻略之前,除了伊斯坦布尔,我只知道一个棉花堡。棉花堡拥有世界上“最美丽的温泉”,是《世界遗产名录》里少有的自然与文化双重遗产,说它是土耳其最有名的景点,大概也不为过。为了避开蜂拥而至的游客,我们特意提前一天到达帕姆卡莱,第二天一大早便进入棉花堡。事实证明,这个选择无比英明——当我们中午从山顶返回时,只见游人如织,“瑶池”内太多肉体横陈,热闹得仿佛海
2014年度大片《监狱风云之毒影重重》的“主创团队”阵容越来越“豪华”了:导演张元,编剧宁财神,领衔主演柯震东、房祖名,联合主演张默、高虎、张耀扬、何盛东,主题曲演唱李代沫,片尾曲演唱龙井组合……看这节奏,本片杀青之前你简直不知道还会有哪位(些)大腕宣告加盟!  有如此架势,还担心“收视率”么?这边广大围观群众一再惊叹“贵圈真乱”,那边早有忠实粉丝“心碎成了饺子馅”,更有很多同学们感到不解:娱乐圈