用“三个代表”重要思想 推进新时期高校党组织发展工作

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进入新世纪后,作为党建重要组成部分的组织发展工作面临着许多新情况、新问题、新挑战。近年来,贵州广播电视大学党委坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,主动应对挑战,不断调整组织发展思路,积极改革、创新组织发展工作机制,努力探索提高组织发展工作质量的有效途径和方法,有力地强化了组织发展工作。一、不断强化对组织发展工作的领导一是实行学校党委、党总支、党支部三级组织领导责任制。明确规定了三级组织的各自工作职责,明确了三级组织的书记为本级发展工作的第一责任人。二是根据中央和上级党组织的总体要求,制定了适合本校实际的、具有较强操作性的《贵州广播电视大学党的组织发展工作条例》,对发展党员工作做了系统要求和规范。三是实行目标管理。一方而根据党委每届五年的任期,制定五年党的组织发展工作总体规划。另一方面制定党委、党总支、党支部年度工 After entering the new century, the organizational development as an important part of the party building faces many new situations, new problems and new challenges. In recent years, the party committee of Guizhou Radio and Television University adheres to the important thought of “Three Represents,” as guidance, persists in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, proactively meeting the challenges, constantly adjusting the organizational development mentality, actively reforming and innovating the organizational development work Mechanism, and strive to explore ways to improve the quality of organizational development and ways to effectively strengthen the organizational development. First, continue to strengthen the leadership of organizational development First, the implementation of the school party committees, party branches, party branches of the leadership responsibility system. It clearly stipulated the respective work responsibilities of the three-level organizations and clarified that the secretary of the third-level organizations should be the first responsible person for the development work at the current level. Second, in line with the general requirements of the central and higher party organizations, we have formulated the “Regulations for the Development of the Party Organization in Guizhou Radio and Television University” that are suitable for our school and have a strong operational character and have made system requirements and norms for the development of party members. Third, the implementation of goal management. On the other hand, according to the five-year term of office of the party committee, a five-year party general plan for the development of the organization was formulated. On the other hand, the party committee, party branch and party branch annual workers should be established
一、关注构字逻辑,指导识字  1. 先后出示两则谜语:“远看像黄球,近看毛茸茸。叽叽叽叽叫,最爱吃小虫。”“嘴像小铲子,脚像小扇子,走路左右摆,不是摆架子。”  猜猜谜底是什么?说说看,你是怎么猜到的?  2. 根据谜语的情境,学习生字“他”  和“也”。  今天的故事中的主人公是小公鸡。(板书:小公鸡)小公鸡是男生,表示男生的“他”是单人旁。故事中的小鸭子也是男生。(板书:小鸭子。出示生字“也”
一、巧用字理,科学识字  汉字有着丰富的文化内涵,教师应对汉字的构字规律和字理进行研究,强化学生的感知,根据生字特点,促进联想,根据汉字音形义确定最佳识字方法,避免机械识字。  1. 抓住部首,批量识字。  师:(出示:狮、猴、猩)这三个字有什么特点?  生:它们都是反犬旁的字。  师:为什么这些字都是反犬旁的?  生:它们都是动物。  师:反犬旁表示它们是动物,右边表示这个字的读音,像这样的字叫
论述了在市场经济条件下,政府对创业者的支持和尊重尤为重要,正确处理好政府部门与纳税人的关系,使之达到协调互动,加快高新技术产业发展。 Discusses the government under