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  The student union of your university has assigned you to inform the international students about an upcoming singing contest. Write a notice in about 100 words.
  Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.
  Do not use your own name in the notice. (10 points)
  2020年考研英語(一)的小作文考查通知的写法,这是从2005年开始考小作文以来的第四次[前三次为2010英语(一)、2015英语(二)、2016英语(一)]。从格式上说,一则通知包括四个部分:1)标题,位于通知上方的正中央,一般可写Notice;2)日期,写在标题右下方;3)正文,一般写三个段落;4)落款,写在正文之下中间偏右的位置,本文落款可写The Student Union。
  Dec. 21, 2019
  A singing contest is going to be held next month to enrich the campus life of the international students. You are welcome to participate!
  The event will take place in the auditorium on the main campus from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on January 19 (Sunday), 2020. Singing in any language is okay. A panel of six judges will rate the performance of each contestant on a scale ranging from 1 to 10. The prize for the top three winners is an earphone worth $200.
  If you are fond of singing, please email us for an entry form by January 12, 2020. Our email address is studentunion@yahoo.com.
  The Student Union (113 words)
  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture. In your essay, you should
  1) describe the picture briefly,
  2) interpret the implied meaning, and
  3) give your comments.
  In the picture above, a girl is working assiduously, trying to finish her homework as soon as possible. A boy, however, is procrastinating before his desk, waiting until the last minute to study. Obviously, the picture is aimed at emphasizing the importance of good habits for success at school.
  Indeed, habits play a key role in a student’s academic performance. Some students struggle in school without understanding why. More often than not, this is because they have some bad habits. The most common is procrastination. They always put off their homework till the last minute, preferring to eat snacks, watch TV or play a game before settling down to their homework. Inevitably, they pay a heavy price for putting things off. Good study habits, on the other hand, contribute tremendously to academic success. For instance, always setting aside time to finish homework first is a recipe for academic excellence.   Good habits are not only important for our school performance, but for living a fulfilling life as an adult. So it’s imperative that we build good habits and get rid of bad ones. (186 words)
  1. A boy, however, is procrastinating before his desk, waiting until the last minute to study. (然而,一个男孩正在课桌前磨磨蹭蹭,等到最后一刻才学习。)waiting是现在分词短语,作状语,表示伴随动作。
  2. Indeed, habits play a key role in a student’s academic performance. (确实,习惯在学生的学习成绩中起着关键的作用。)indeed确实。副词indeed用在句首时,表示支持或强调刚说过的话。
  3. More often than not, this is because they have some bad habits.(这往往是因为他们有一些坏习惯。)more often than not往往,多半,通常。
  4. They always put off their homework till the last minute, preferring to eat snacks, watch TV or play a game before settling down to their homework.(他们总是把作业拖到最后一刻,喜欢先吃零食、看电视或者玩一会儿游戏才专心写作业。)settle down to安下心来做,专心致志于。
  5. For instance, always setting aside time to finish homework first is a recipe for academic excellence.(例如,总是留出时间先完成作业是学习成绩优异的秘诀。)a recipe for(某事的)秘诀。
  6. So it’s imperative that we build good habits and get rid of bad ones.(所以我們必须培养好习惯、改掉坏习惯。)It’s imperative (that)必须做某事,后面的从句多用虚拟语气。
【题目】  In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young peopl
【原文】  岁月的流逝  林清玄  [1] 我们在人生里,随着岁月的流逝而感觉到自己的成长(其实是一种老去),会发现每一个阶段都拥有了不同的朋友,[2] 友谊虽不至于散失,聚散却随因缘流转,常常转到我们一回首感到惊心的地步。[3] 比较可悲的是,那些特别相知的朋友往往远在天际,泛泛之交却在眼前,因此,生活里经常令我们陷入一种人生寂寥的境地。  【点评】  岁末年初,最容易让人感叹日月消长、时光不复
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