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现将《国务院办公厅转发国务院机电产品出口办公室等部门〈关于重点机电产品出口企业推销服务人员出国(赴港澳)审批管理办法〉的通知》(国办发[1993]2号,以下简称“办法”)转发给你们,并结合我省情况,提出以下要求,请一并遵照执行。一、根据“办法”规定,每年由省机电产品进出口办公室负责确定我省机电产品出口企业(含工贸、外贸公司)名单,报有关部门备案,并按“办法”规定办理具体出国审批手续。二、我省各重点机电产品出口企业,要在每年十一月末前选定本企业下年度出国 We hereby forward that “the General Office of the State Council forwards the Circular on the Examination and Approval Measures for the Sales and Service Personnel of Export Enterprises of Key Mechanical and Electrical Products (Going to Hong Kong and Macao)” issued by the State Council’s Office of Mechanical and Electrical Products Export (No. [1993] 2 of the State Council, hereinafter referred to as the “ Way ”) forwarded to you, combined with the situation in our province, the following requirements, please follow the implementation. First, according to “Regulations ” provisions, the annual import and export office of Electrical and Mechanical Products is responsible for determining the province’s export of electromechanical products export enterprises (including trade and industry, foreign trade companies) list, reported to the relevant departments for the record, and press Specific approval procedures abroad. Second, the focus of export of electromechanical products in our province enterprises, the end of November each year to choose the business abroad the following year
《监察机关实行回避制度暂行办法》已经一九九二年十一月十一日第七次部务会议通过,现予发布施行。 The “Provisional Measures on the Administration of the Avoidance
陕政发[1993]73号一九九三年十一月三日现将《陕西省实施细则》发给你们,请遵照执行。 Shaanxi Provincial Government [73] 73 November 3, 1993 We hereby issue to you
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