Gilding a Lily?

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  IT is a world heritage site and one of the seven natural wonders of the world- in short, a tourist attraction like few on our planet. Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe [and Zambia] is on most people’s “to do” travel list.
  It is therefore no surprise that the announcement by Zimbabwe’s Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi in August that his government plans to build a “Disneyland in Africa” style theme park at Victoria Falls raised many eyebrows. The controversial announcement was made by Mzembi at the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) General Assembly, cohosted by Zimbabwe and Zambia at the end of August.
  Mzembi said the fact that the UNWTO agreed to hold its assembly in Zimbabwe was an endorsement of the country as a brand, especially as it has endured a decade-long pariah status with the West over alleged human rights violations and absence of the rule of law. Inevitably, the more than $300 million Mzembi said would be spent on the theme park is aimed at reconstructing a flagging tourist industry that has suffered heavily from the country’s economic woes and negative international political reports. Tourism was, in the country’s distant past, a major revenue earner.
  On a positive note, the plans to expand the Victoria Falls airport to accommodate more international flights, and build infrastructure, hotels, conference and entertainment centers mean much needed jobs will be created. It will also hopefully help elevate tourism to a level authorities said can contribute 15 percent to the country’s annual GDP.
  Clearly Victoria Falls is seen as a cash cow and Zimbabwe realizes the world wonder can draw many more visitors than it is currently doing - but at what cost? Mzembi described the Falls as a “sleeping giant” that should be modeled along the lines of Disneyland, which implies the bling and blitz associated with the home of Mickey Mouse. There is no doubt that Disneyland has its own multi-attractions, but it is developed around a man-made concept and relies entirely on the visitor being relentlessly entertained by technology and cartoon characters. You won’t be standing quietly in introspective awe of nature’s beautiful ferocity waiting for a Disney fun ride. The mere mention of Victoria Falls and Disney in the same sentence seems bizarre.
  The reason people visit Victoria Falls, or any other global natural attraction, is because it’s unspoiled, exotic and has an air of spiritual mystery about it. Tourism development is an inevitability worldwide, but once a visitor has been to a theme park, that is all it can ever be. A balance needs to be kept between providing endless cattle-loads of tourist groups a synthetic experience and maintaining the integrity and splendor of a natural wonder, which has survived for millennia and needs no adornment to attract attention.
  As Shakespeare said centuries ago – it is pointless to gild a lily.
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目的::探讨CT及 MRI在眼眶内淋巴瘤中的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析眼眶内淋巴瘤病例 CT平扫、颅骨CT 3 D、MRI平扫及增强的影像表现。结果:眼眶内淋巴瘤 CT 表现为眶内软组织肿块
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