多学科协同 推进我国肺动脉高压规范化诊治体系建设

来源 :中华医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woyaodeaihaiyao
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近年来,肺动脉高压(PH)越来越被国内外学者所关注,其病因多样、发病机制复杂。由于肺血管结构或功能改变,可导致肺血管阻力和肺动脉压力的升高,继而进展为右心衰竭甚至死亡。PH的诊断涉及多学科,容易造成误诊、漏诊,其治疗不规范也较普遍。这些年,我国在PH的临床诊治及研究领域均取得了长足进步,然而其诊治及管理仍存在诸多问题。基于此,我们呼吁进一步加强肺动脉高压领域的多学科协作,全面推进我国肺动脉高压的规范化体系建设。“,”In recent years, pulmonary hypertension (PH) has attracted increasing attention from scholars worldwide, which involves diverse etiology and complicated pathogenesis. Due to changes in the structure and function of pulmonary vasculatures, it can lead to an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance and pulmonary artery pressure, and then progress to right ventricular heart failure or even death. The diagnosis of PH involves multiple disciplines, which could easily give rise to missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis and non-standardized treatment. Recently, we have made great progress in the field of clinical diagnosis, treatment and research of PH. However, many issues remain to be solved. Accordingly, this article aims to call for further strengthening of multidisciplinary collaboration in PH field and promote the construction of a standardized system for PH in China.