The Influence of Chinese Traditional Culture on Contemporary Commercial Photography

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  Abstract:In contemporary China, with the rapid development of economy, technology and culture, artists are increasingly incorporating traditional elements into their works while creating artistic creations, reflecting a high degree of cultural confidence. The integration of traditional elements not only brought about changes in the photographic creation technique, but also promoted the change of the whole photography in contemporary society and art at a deeper level. Through the research and exploration of the application of traditional culture in commercial photography, this paper discusses the influence of traditional culture on the style and creative techniques of commercial photography. In the new era, photography with traditional tastes brings new possibilities and directions for contemporary photography.
  1.Summary of the initial development of commercial photography in China
  Photography technology was introduced to China by missionaries and adventurers in the late Qing Dynasty, and the first group of people who came into contact with photography were actually senior officials of the Qing Dynasty. These officials went to various international conferences and took photos with them after the conference. A batch of images that record the bits and pieces of dealings between Chinese and foreign missions. In the last century, with the new foreign things gradually entering the country, photography began to enter the public life. Photographs of wealthy people going to the photo studio have become fashionable signs, and most of the photos that have been retained so far are family photos. At this time, most of the photo studios use painting backgrounds, indoor backgrounds and outdoor backgrounds are all available, and then assist the props to perform scene performances. The quality and richness of the background of a photo studio has become a photo studio. Important standards, operators are eager to hire a painter to draw a unique background, hope that their photo studio can stand out. In the process of the integration and development of photography and Chinese local culture, a mainstream aesthetic style of the society at that time was gradually formed. It was different from the stereotyped traditional Chinese aesthetic, and it was more open-minded and ideological, while retaining certain traditional aesthetic values.
  2.The influence of the development of traditional culture on commercial photography style
  With the beginning of reform and opening up, new aesthetic ideas from abroad began to enter the country. With the development of the economy, Chinese photography art has entered a new page. During this period, the studios have sprung up all over the country. Due to the impact of the “Cultural Revolution”, the rich hand-painted background of the Republic of China was replaced by a rigid background. The photography of this era is on the big trend. The aesthetic level is a certain retrogression. This is the result of the economic fundamental reaction. It is the concrete manifestation of the economic foundation and productivity in social life. With the progress of reform and opening up, the economic level is gradually developing, the aesthetic level of the public is also constantly improving, and the aesthetic level of studio photography is also gradually improving, the increasingly rich photographic style has gradually satisfied the spiritual needs of the people.   3.The influence and prospect of traditional culture on contemporary photography
  In today's China, the revival of traditional culture is accompanied by the inevitable phenomenon of the development of China's economic and social productive forces. The growing spiritual and civilized demand of the people is driving the development of the art field, and photography has also taken place along with this wave. Interesting changes. The development of the economy has strengthened the Chinese people's national pride and cultural self-confidence. In the field of photography, there are more and more photographic works and institutions with the theme of traditional culture. In the process of excavating the profound Chinese traditional culture, a group of artists Sun County is one of them. His work combines traditional Chinese meticulous painting techniques with modern image technology to create a retro style. Sun Jun’s works inherit the spirit of ancient literati painting, and have the literati temperament and talents. They create Chinese paintings that are not completely out of the essence of traditional literati painting, but also have new emotional content and aesthetic appeal. They are known as “new literati”. Painting photography."
摘要:造成建设项目设计变更生成的因素较多,其中,具有高度影响力的设计变更因素为主体行为因素、个人行为因素、政策法规因素、环境因素、合同因素、制度因素、成本因素、质量因素等,研究这些影响设计变更的因素,有助于科学、合理界定项目设计变更的责任主体与性质主体,有助于做出高效补偿、合理评估与设计变更息息相关的费用、成本或工期等项决定。  关键词:设计变更;影响因素  影响设计变更因素因素很多,具有代表性的
摘要:在新时期的建筑工程领域,本着智能化发展目标,就机电自动化设备体系进行合理优化和创新,能够保证建筑工程体系和功能更加全面,从而促进建筑行业向着智能化方向实现深入发展。因此,建筑单位需要高度重视自动化设备体系建设,并且就相关的自动化技术进行拓展和应用,从而全面提高智能建筑发展水平。  关键词:智能建筑;机电设备;自动化技术;应用要点  中图分类号:TU723 文献标识码:A  引言  在新时期的
摘要:近年来,建筑工程建设规模逐渐扩大,数量越来越多,包含的范围愈加广泛。在建筑工程当中,机电施工对于工程整体安全和质量起着很大的影响,满足人们的高质量建筑需求和增强企业市场竞争力的层面来看,对于施工质量一定要进行严格的控制,这样才能更好的保障机电工程的基本质量。  关键词:机电工程;施工质量;方法创新  引言  机电工程主要由排水、通风、电气等子系统构成,系统的诸多要求,使得机电工程的设计具有复
摘要:我国社会发展水平在经济快速增长的带动下,呈现出不断上涨的势态,人们在温饱问题得到解决以后,逐渐对环境问题越来越重视。如何解决环境污染问题,是人们重点关注的内容。在解决环境污染问题中,关于自然环境取样,进行有机物分析预处理,对环境治理具有不可替代的作用。所以继续研究相关技术,使其自身具有的优势越来越明显,为我国环境保护事业做出突出的贡献。  关键词:环境样品;有机物;分析预处理;  引言:对于
摘要:电气自动化在船舶中的应用,对增加航运经济效益、保证航运安全、改善劳动环境,提高劳动生产率等方面都起到极为重要的作用。随着我国船舶工业的电气自动化程度和技术水平的提高,机电设备更加紧密地结合在一起,船舶实现了机电合一,船舶电气自动化程度将得到进一步的发展,其技术亦将有更新、更好的突破。  关键词:船舶;电气自动化;应用技术;设备故障;发展趋势  自动化技术在船舶电气自动化领域中的应用具体体现在
摘要:机电工程涉及领域广泛,以超高层建筑为例,一般由建筑给排水、采暖与卫生、建筑电气、通风与空调、自动化装置仪表等专业或工程组成。同土建工程一样,超高层建筑机电工程有着其设计多样性、施工复杂性及建设周期长等特点,同时兼有其自身特点。  关键词:超高层; 建筑机电; 工程管理; 分析; 思路;  1 超高层建筑机电工程项目的特点  (1)涉及的学科和专业门类多,涵盖了不同学科和不同专业领域,需具备各