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从2008年春季开始,北京市朝阳区参与了“高中新课程选修模块·网络资源的开发与实施”项目的研究,在市教委、市教育学会的领导下,在项目组专家的指导和支持下,选修课借助网络平台创设出了新型的双课堂(网络课堂、现实课堂)教学模式,并使实验分布到了语文、地理、音乐、历史、数学5个学科。“双课堂”教学模式打破了教学时间和空间的限制,把网络课堂、现实课堂进行有机结合,极大地提高了教学效率。通过网络虚拟平台的教师主题帖发放、学生参与回帖、学生自主发帖、学生互相回帖点评、教师跟帖引导讨论等多种方式,学生在网络平台上主动参与研讨,在一次次的讨论交流、发帖回帖过程中,学会学习接纳别人的观点,逐渐形成表达交流的习惯、规范。开放、民主的网络平台真实地记录了师生共创的丰富学习资源。虚拟课堂给学生提供了一个自主探究、合作学习的场所,没有固定的分组模式,没有千篇一律的教学模式,学生能够选择自己喜欢的课题进行探究和表达。在现实课堂中,教师可以着力解决虚拟课堂讨论的热点话题和争辩不休没有答案的问题,学生更乐于争相表达自己的观点,展示自己的研究成果。“双课堂”学习能较好地实现学生选择课程、自主学习目标,实现了课程资源共享和教师、学生的共同成长。 From the spring of 2008, Chaoyang District, Beijing participated in the project of “Developing and Implementing High School New Curriculum Elective Modules and Network Resources”. Under the guidance of the Municipal Education Commission and the Municipal Education Association, Under the support of the elective courses, we have created a new teaching mode of double classroom (online classroom, real classroom) with the help of internet platform and distributed the experiment in five disciplines: language, geography, music, history and mathematics. “Double Classroom ” teaching mode breaks the limitation of teaching time and space, organically combines online class with real class, which greatly improves teaching efficiency. Through the virtual platformer teacher topic placard distribution, student replies, students autonomously posting, the students reply each other comment, teacher thread guide discussion and other methods, the students take the initiative to participate in the discussion on the network platform, in a time to discuss the exchange, posting Replies in the process, learn to accept the views of others, and gradually form a habit of communication, norms. An open and democratic online platform truly records the rich learning resources that teachers and students create. Virtual classrooms provide students with a place for independent inquiry and cooperative learning. There is no fixed grouping mode and no stereotyped teaching mode. Students can choose their own favorite topics to explore and express. In the real classroom, teachers can focus on solving the hot topics discussed in the virtual classroom and argue that there are endless answers, students are more willing to compete to express their views, show their research results. “Double classroom ” learning can better achieve the students choice of courses, autonomous learning objectives, to achieve the sharing of course resources and teachers, students grow together.