Effects of Yuezhitang Decoction on Lactation Promotion of Over Lactation Model Mice

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxiaof
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[Objective] To discuss the effects of Yuezhitang decoction on promoting lactating function of maternal mice,enhancing the quality of newborn mice,and improving the survival ratio of newborn mice by using the overload lactation model of mice.[Methods]Overload lactation model of maternal mice was established.Maternal mice were given different dosages of samples by gavage.The lactation volume,accumulative lactation volume,body weight change of newborn mice at lactation period were researched.The mammary gland index was detected; the changes of breast tissue morphology and physiology were observed.[Results] Compared with model group,11 and 16.5 g/kg dosage groups significantly improved the lactation volume of maternal mice(P<0.05).Mammary gland index of 11 g/kg dosage group increased significantly.In 11 and 16.5 g/kg dosage groups,mammary gland acinus had dense structure; the acinus was arranged regularly with complete structure and significant increase in quantity,showing typical characters of secretory mammary gland.[Conclusions]Yuezhitang decoction promoted the lactation of maternal mice. [Objective] To discuss the effects of Yuezhitang decoction on promoting lactating function of maternal mice, enhancing the quality of newborn mice, and improving the survival ratio of newborn mice by using the overload lactation model of mice. [Methods] Overload lactation model of maternal mice was established. Maternal mice were given different dosages of samples by gavage. lactation volume, accumulative lactation volume, body weight change of newborn mice at lactation period were researched; the changes of breast tissue morphology and physiology were observed. Compared with model group, 11 and 16.5 g / kg dosage groups significantly improved the lactation volume of maternal mice (P <0.05) .Mammary gland index of 11 g / kg dosage group was significantly increased. 11 and 16.5 g / kg dosage groups, mammary gland acinus had dense structure; the acinus was arranged regularly with complete structure and significant increase in quantity, showing typical characte rs of secretory mammary gland. [Conclusions] Yuezhitang decoction promoted the lactation of maternal mice.
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