加快提高整体水平 实现高速健康发展——对围场乡镇企业再上新台阶的思考

来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lily1988122
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改革开放以来,特别是十一届三中全会以后,异军突起的围场县乡镇企业,已成为全县农村经济的重要支柱和国民经济的主体力量,三分天下有其二。1993年,取得了65648万元的好成绩。到1994年,呈现出快速健康发展的好势头,各项经济指标均创历史最好水平,实现了历史性突破,形成了新的发展格局。原因何在?一是领导力度加强,形成抓乡镇企业发展的合力。县委、县政府始终把发展乡镇企业摆在全县经济再上新台阶的战略位置来抓。县政府除有一名副县长专抓乡镇企业外,还特别明确乡(镇)一把手为发展乡镇企业第一责任人。从而形成上下同步,使乡镇企业真正摆到了各级党委工作的重要议事日程;二是发展速度加快,经济实力增强;三是资金投入有突破性进展,发展后劲明显增强。1994年,全县乡镇企业累计新上技改项目417个。完成投入11652.9万元,比上年同期增长148.5%;乡村集体企业新增固 Since the reform and opening up, especially after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the sudden emergence of the paddock county township and township enterprises has become an important pillar of the county’s rural economy and the main force of the national economy. There are two thirds in the world. In 1993, it achieved a good result of 665.48 million yuan. By 1994, it had shown a good momentum of rapid and healthy development. All economic indicators had reached the best level in history, achieved historic breakthroughs and formed a new development pattern. What is the reason? First, strengthening leadership, forming a joint force to grasp the development of township enterprises. The county party committee and the county government have always placed the development of township and township enterprises in the strategic position of the county economy to a new level. In addition to a county deputy chief of the county government, the county government has also made it clear that the township (town) is the first person responsible for the development of township enterprises. In order to form a vertical synchronization, the township and township enterprises are truly placed on the agenda of the work of party committees at all levels. Second, the development speed is accelerated and the economic strength is enhanced. Third, there is a breakthrough in capital investment and the development potential is significantly enhanced. In 1994, county-level township and township enterprises accumulated a total of 417 new technological transformation projects. Completed investment of 116.529 million yuan, an increase of 148.5% over the same period of the previous year;
考点1 非金属元素的原子结构特点及在周期表中的位置  例1 某合作学习小组在学完非金属知识后,归纳出以下规律。以下说法中,不正确的是( )  A. 现有的元素周期表中,所有非金属元素原子的最外层电子数都大于或等于其核外电子层数  B. 除稀有气体外的非金属元素全部在元素周期表的主族中  C. 所有的非金属元素在化合物中都既能显正价,又能显负价  D. 若元素周期表第七周期可以排满,则第七周