Data envelopment analysis for highway asset investment assessment

来源 :交通运输工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maria76
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Highway agencies have been using many of the elements of asset management with the support of various decision-making tools.To determine the most effective investment strategy with scarce resources,the integration,and hence better utilization,of existing tools and practices across asset classes is generally lacking.This paper applies data envelopment analysis (DEA) to benchmark different highway investment scenarios using existing data or data readily available through existing models.Three asset types,pavements,bridges,and traffic signage,are investigated.Asset investment analysis results from the Highway Economic Requirements System State Version (HERS-ST) application,the PONTIS bridge management system software,and purpose-built traffic signage spreadsheet are obtained to capture the changes of performance measures under various budget scenarios and are further used as the inputs for the DEA process to benchmark investment scenarios for each individual asset.Subsequently,the performance measures and budget levels are assembled in the Asset Manager-NT software,whose results are input into DEA to benchmark cross-assets resource allocation scenarios.Planning for the management of highway network is addressed via case studies in a systematic manner that recognizes the tradeoffs among different funding periods and objectives such as preserving existing investments,safety,roughness and user costs.This study has established a preliminary implementable framework of highway asset management by linking DEA approach and current widely used decision-making tools for more efficient investments within and cross assets,and better understand of the tradeoffs,costs and consequences of various asset management decisions.
巴维尔椅,灵感来源于扎哈迪德的多米尼恩办公楼,用移植法延续解构主义、后现代主义建筑的已有的、成熟的元素。表达对现代建筑的致敬。  巴维尔椅,通过抽象出建筑中流畅顺滑的线条,座椅左右扶手高低错落,从两侧顺势聚拢在中间形成一个顺滑的座面,流畅的线条营造出液体流动的波动性。功能上能满足使用者半躺时的脊柱曲度,椅背曲线线条取形于山峦的起伏,舒展有律,彰显生命力。  椅子表面使用牛皮或织物拼合,高温定形。座
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