独立解读文本 引领写作水平——《读出自己的味道》阅读手记

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我始终认为做一个语文教师,会解读文本是最重要的一种素养。也就是说,当你面对一篇文章时,你得能读出来好在哪里,不足在哪里,主题怎样呈现,语言有什么特色等等,并进一步传递给学生。学生会解读文本了,它在日常的阅读中才能看出文章的好坏,并进一步吸取精华,摒弃糟粕,而提高学生的写作水平。天津教育出版社出版的《读出自己的味道》一书,可以让我们学会很多提升文本解读能力的技巧或思路。除了本书序言中著名特级教师赵谦翔总结的三个特点——"善于从作品的空白处捕捉作者的写作 I always think that being a language teacher will interpret the text as the most important kind of accomplishment. In other words, when you face an article, you have to be able to read where it is, where it is less than good, how the topic is presented, what features the language has, and so on, and pass it on to the students. The student union interprets the text. In daily reading, it can see the quality of the article, and further draw on the essence, abandon the dross, and improve the students’ writing. The book “Read Your Own Taste” published by Tianjin Education Publishing House allows us to learn a lot of techniques or ideas to improve the ability to interpret texts. In addition to the three characteristics summarized by Zhao Qianxiang, a famous special teacher in the book’s preface--they are good at capturing the author’s writing from the blank space of the work.
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