Present-day crustal movement and tectonic deformation in China continent

来源 :中国科学D辑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjp023
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Velocity field of China continent constrained by Global Positioning System (GPS) reveals both continuous and block-like styles of deformation. Continuous deformation commonly characterizes actively deforming mountain ranges such as the Tianshan Mountain, Qilian Mountain, and Tibet. The block-like movement often represents deformation in the tectonically stable regions such as Ordos, South China and Tarim blocks. GPS measurements indicate 5.1±2.5 mm/a left-lateral strike-slip rate along the Altun fault. Eastward convergence along the Longmenshan fault is less than 6.7±3.0 mm/a. South China moves 11-14 mm/a eastward compared with the stable Eurasia. These low slip rates do not imply rapid eastward extrusion of China continent predicted by the model of "continental extrusion". It appears that "crustal thickening" model more properly describes both continuous and block-like styles of deformation in China continent.
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