A constitutive model of frozen soil with damage and numerical simulation for the coupled problem

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyd1472
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Based on the microcosmic mechanics of composite materials, an elastic constitutive model for frozen soil with damage is presented. For frozen sandy soil with a range of ice contents and under a range of temperature conditions, quantitative results determined by this constitutive model agree with practically measured stress-strain curves. After numerically simulating the coupled water, temperature and stress fields of channel frozen and frozen roadbed using a self-developed finite-element routine, more accurate and practical calculation results for the temperature field coupled with stress, displacement and strain fields are obtained; the results match predictions and tests undertaken by earlier researchers. Our results support the reliability of our routine for calculating interdependent physical quantities of frozen soil and for describing the relationships between them. Our program can offer necessary constraints for engineering design and construction in permafrost regions. Based on the microcosmic mechanics of composite materials, an elastic constitutive model for frozen soil with damage is presented. For frozen sandy soil with a range of ice contents and under a range of temperature conditions, quantitative results determined by this constitutive model agree with practically measured stress-strain curves. After numerically simulating the coupled water, temperature and stress fields of channel frozen and frozen roadbed using a self-developed finite-element routine, more accurate and practical calculation results for the temperature field coupled with stress, displacement and strain fields the results match predictions and tests undertaken by earlier researchers. Our results support the reliability of our routine for calculating interdependent physical quantities of frozen soil and for describing the relationships between them. Our program can offer necessary constraints for engineering design and construction in permafrost regions.
由广东医学院皮肤性病研究所编著、国内著名皮肤病学专家刘季和、徐文严、陈洪铎、刘辅仁、刘荣卿、李松初、张怡源教授主审的这两部姊妹篇套书已于 2 0 0 0年 1月正式与读者
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