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作为前韩国一代著名前锋,车范根在其运动员时期代表韩国队参加过140多场比赛,有着辉煌无比的职业生涯,令众多的亚洲球员望其项背,自叹弗如。而今,他作为卓越的足球教育工作者和知名教练更为广大球迷的爱戴和敬仰。 (一)采访取代庆祝会 1997年1月7日凌晨,韩国首都汉城一如往常般静谧安宁,丝毫没有喧闹动荡的迹象。但此时地处汉城东部大街的车范根家则热闹非凡,大家都忙于准备一个大型家庭庆祝会,以欢庆车范根和他妻子的20年结婚纪念日。而上午来自韩国足协总部的电 As a famous Korean forward striker, Chevrolet played a splendid career on behalf of the South Korean team during its athletes’ career, leaving many Asian players to look back and sigh. Now, as a great football educator and coach, he is more loved and respected by the fans. (I) Interview Instead of Celebration In the early hours of January 7, 1997, as usual, Seoul, the capital of South Korea, remained quiet and tranquil with no signs of turmoil. But at this time, the Chevgen House in Seoul’s east thoroughfare was crowded with people busy preparing for a large family celebration to celebrate the 20-year wedding anniversary of Chevrolet and his wife. The morning from the Korea Football Association headquarters of electricity
A new triterpenoid saponin with novel sugar moiety (1),a new trisaccharide derivative (2),as well as a known monosaccharide derivative (3),were isolated from th
采用半导体薄膜包层圆柱型光纤制造的光放大器将对电信用掺铒光纤放大器形成挑战 ,这种光纤是由美国纽约州锡拉丘兹的 Syracuse University和美国纽约州罗姆的 Dove Photonic
A new niobate Ba 5BiTi 3Nb 7O 30 was synthesized by the solid state reaction.It was characterized by X ray diffraction and dielectric constant measure
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。少林小子 ——少林寺少儿武术学校剪影@贾春明 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to
A new flexible double betaine L (L = 1,4-bis(pyridinio-4-carboxylato-N-methyl)- benzene, C20H16N2O4) and its cadmium(II) complex [Cd(H2O)4L(NO3)]NO3?H2O 1 were
走过了太多的古镇,而最让我情有独钟的,却是南浔古镇那斑驳的石桥、古旧的楼屋、淡淡的乡愁和恬静的味道……  上善若水。南浔因水而居,因水而兴,自然与水结下了不解之缘。  700多年前,元代著名诗人戴表元乘船从湖州到南浔,被頔塘古运河如诗如画的风光所陶醉,写下了《东离湖州泊南浔》诗篇:“张帆出东郭,沽酒问南浔。画屋芦花净,红桥柳树深。鱼艘寒满港,橘市书成林。吾道真迂阔,浮家尚越吟。”这就是对当时南浔頔
今年4月,经国务院同意,国家正式批准设立沈阳经济区为新型工业化综合配套改革试验区。近日,记者就相关问题采访了国家发展改革委有关负责人。 In April this year, with the
The binary assembly behavior of 1-iodoocta- decane with substituted phthalocyanine (Pc) is studied using the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). By altering th