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1964年,彼得·戴维逊的第一本诗集《破晓》被评选为耶鲁大学青年诗人系列奖,从那时起,他连续出版了十本精心选择的诗集,包括获得1972年“国家文学学院奖”的《假装睡着了》、《谷仓发烧》(1981)和《1957—1995彼得·戴维逊诗选》,以及最近的《呼吸室》(2000)。他还出版过自传《记得一半的:个人历史》,论文集《危险的交易:诗歌的构成和创作论文集》。彼得·戴维逊的诗歌涉及广泛的社会生活,他以敏锐的感知能力和智慧的叙述方式来进行诗歌创作,对新词非常敏感,并大胆地运用到他的诗歌中。他常常创作二十五行诗,包括七个三行节和一个四行节,每小节呈楼梯状结构,整首诗形似灵活多变的螺旋体,让人回想起威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯的后期作品。读者可能会认为他的诗行很拘束,但实际上,其效果刚好相反。每首诗都听起来是那么的自然流露,不留半点强制之意。意韵抑扬顿挫,似乎自然天成,就像呼吸那样。他将最近出版的诗集命名为《呼吸室》,这个名词实际上总结了他对诗歌性质的理解。他认为,诗歌的构成就像呼吸,呼吸是我们生命活动中的最亲密的方面,它是我们跟周围环境取得联系的主要因素,它使得我们的声音得以传播,使得氧气在周身流动,也给予我们韵律和节奏,而韵律和节奏就是诗歌赖以存在的基础。他在一次采访中对记者说过,诗歌的发明起初是为了让没有文化的人记住祈祷文,背颂祭奠礼仪。在世俗方面,古巴比伦人用诗歌来熟记仓库清单,而我们创作诗歌就是记录我们的所思所想,因此诗歌就是将词语与呼吸、感觉、思想、记忆、节奏和情感相联系起来。《呼吸室》里的诗以亲近而又大方的方式描述着季节的循环,记录死亡和重生的轮回。多年来,彼得·戴维逊用清澈的洞察力来思索着情感和人生的得失,他的语言精炼,语调古典平静。他用神奇的目光看待这个世界,用轻松的笔调来描述人生,就像呼吸一样轻松。他对人生的看法就像他在《不逃避》中写到的那样:“我们要取得成就只有跟随/世界的呼吸/不投降/也不逃避。” In 1964, Peter Davidson’s first collection of poems, “Dawn of Dawn,” was named the Yale University Young Poets Series Award, and since then he has published over ten carefully selected collections of poems, including the 1972 National Literary Collection College Fellowship “,” Pretend to Fall Asleep “,” Barn Fever “(1981) and” Peter Davidson Poetry 1957-1995 “and, more recently,” The Respiratory Room “(2000). He also autobiographed ”Remember Half: Personal History,“ a collection of ”Dangerous Transactions: A Papers on Composition and Creation of Poetry.“ Peter Davidson’s poetry involves a wide range of social life. He writes poetry with keen perception and wisdom, is very sensitive to neologisms and boldly applied to his poetry. He often wrote twenty-five lines of poetry, including seven three-section and a four-section, each section has a staircase structure, the entire poem is like a flexible spiral, reminiscent of William Carlos Williams late works. Readers may think his line is very restrained, but in fact, its effect is exactly the opposite. Every poem sounds so natural, without leaving the slightest compulsion. Italian rhyme cadence, it seems natural, just like breathing. He named the recently published collection ”breathing room,“ a term that actually summarizes his understanding of the nature of poetry. He believes that the composition of poetry is like breathing. Breathing is the most intimate aspect of our life activities. It is a major factor in our connection with the surrounding environment. It enables our voice to spread so that the oxygen flows around and gives We rhythm and rhythm, and rhythm and rhythm is the basis for the existence of poetry. He told reporters in an interview that the invention of poetry was originally intended to allow those who have no culture to remember prayer articles and to recite their prayer and rituals. In the secular world, ancient Babylonians use the poetry to memorize the warehouse inventory, and we write poetry to record what we think, so poetry is to relate words to breath, feeling, thought, memory, rhythm and emotion. The poem in the Respiratory Room describes the cycle of the seasons in a close and generous manner, documenting the reincarnation of death and rebirth. Over the years, Peter Davidson has used clear-cut insight into the pros and cons of emotions and life, his language refinement, his tone of classical calm. He looked at the world in a magical way, describing life in a relaxed style, as easy as breathing. His view of life is as he wrote in ”Not Escaping,“ as follows: ”We want to achieve success only by following / breathe / without surrender / no escape from the world."
故事接龙是学生一个接一个轮流说自己的故事,是训练讲故事能力的游戏。因为学生说自己熟悉的故事,他们能专心,并使故事听起来好听又刺激。于是, The story Solitaire is on