Enhanced Power Allocation Scheme in Ultra-Dense Small Cell Network

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ableper
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A feasible design of ultra-dense Small cell network involves an effective solution to the interference coordination especially in cell edge. In this paper, we propose a channel state and interference aware power allocation scheme(PAG) as an enhanced solution to improve the system performance, especially for the cell-edge users. Cournot model in Non-cooperative game is employed for power adjustment in Small cell clusters to increase cell-edge users’ throughput by considering the power limitation and interference coordination. Additionally, we take iterative Water Filling scheme as a comparison to clarify that the PAG scheme has struck a favorable balance between system efficiency and fairness. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme contributes to the enhancement of edge users’ throughput and cells’ coverage. Moreover, the scheme is observed to show a stronger adaptability in denser Small cell networks. A feasible design of ultra-dense Small cell network involves an effective solution to the interference coordination especially in cell edge. In this paper, we propose a channel state and interference aware power allocation scheme (PAG) as an enhanced solution to improve the system performance , especially for the cell-edge users. Cournot model in Non-cooperative game is employed for power adjustment in Small cell clusters to increase cell-edge users’ throughput by considering the power limitation and interference coordination. as a comparison to clarify that the PAG scheme has struck a favorable balance between system efficiency and fairness. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme contributes to the enhancement of edge users ’throughput and cells’ coverage. Moreover, the scheme is observed to show a stronger adaptability in denser Small cell networks.
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