Development of Flake Powder Metallurgy in Fabricating Metal Matrix Composites:A Review

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luo311
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Powder metallurgy(PM) is one of the most applied processes in the fabrication of metal matrix composites(MMCs). Recently, a novel PM strategy called flake PM was developed to fabricate MMCs with nano-laminated or hierarchical architectures. The name ‘‘flake PM’’ was derived from the use of flake metal powders, which could benefit the uniform dispersion of reinforcements in the metal matrices and thus result in balanced strength and ductility. Flake PM has been proved to be successful in the dispersion of nano aluminum oxides, carbon nanotubes, graphene nano-sheets, and microsized B4 C particles in aluminum or copper matrix. This paper reviews the technique and mechanism developments of flake PM in previous studies, and foresees the future develop of this new fabricating method. One of the most applied processes in the fabrication of metal matrix composites (MMCs). Recently, a novel PM strategy called flake PM was developed to fabricate MMCs with nano-laminated or hierarchical architectures. The name ’’ flake PM ’was derived from the use of flake metal powders, which could benefit the uniform dispersion of reinforcements in the metal matrices and thus result in balanced strength and ductility. Flake PM has been proved to be successful in dispersion of nano aluminum oxides, carbon nanotubes, graphene nano-sheets, and microsized B4 C particles in aluminum or copper matrix. This paper reviews the technique and mechanism developments of flake PM in previous studies, and foresees the future develop of this new fabricating method.
中秋节时,别人送了我们好多月饼,有豆沙馅、冰糖馅。我眼睛一亮,有我最喜欢吃的蛋黄馅月饼。我急忙打开包装袋,大口大口地吃起来。  过了一会儿,我的肚子好像天翻地覆一样,我连忙冲向卫生间。从卫生间出来,我从垃圾桶里翻出月饼的包装袋,原来保质期已经过了三天。不好,肚子又开始“天翻地覆”,我赶紧朝卫生间“飞”了过去。我不敢告诉爸妈,怕他们说我太贪吃。  夜深人静,我从梦中惊醒,“哦”的一声,晚饭便从我的胃
黄馨蕊同学给自己取了个绰号,叫“小驴瓜瓜”。  她在武汉市崇仁路小学上六年级。在爸爸妈妈的影响下,黄馨蕊很小就开始了探险旅行。妈妈鼓励她坚持写旅途日记,还画上好玩的图画。  放暑假了,她背上旅行包,像头欢快的小毛驴一样,和父母一起前往新疆,徒步旅行。  看,小驴瓜瓜出发啦——  1  旅行中总会遇到各种各样的情况,大雨把大家赶进水泥管里,帐篷被风吹跑了,走在泥路上能捡到蔬菜,建个营地还要小心地把羊
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我是一个农村小孩。爸爸妈妈在我一岁半时就出去打工了。我住在外婆家里,他们几年才回来看我一次。因为这样,我觉得和爸爸妈妈一点也不亲。  我八岁那年冬天,爸爸妈妈回来了。妈妈喊:“芝芝,快过来,让妈妈看看。”我一听,连忙躲到外婆的身后,不理她。妈妈脸上的笑容淡了下来。晚上,妈妈说:“芝芝,和妈妈一起睡吧!你呀,有一个坏习惯,每天晚上踢被子,早上起来,身上冰凉的,小心感冒。”我拒绝了:“我要一个人睡。”