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农民党员是农村基层党组织肌体的细胞,只有农民党员队伍充满生机与活力,农村基层党组织才会有战斗力。随着农村经济社会的发展,农民党员所处的环境也发生了很大变化,如何适应建立社会主义市场经济体制的新形势,积极实践“三个代表”的重要思想,体现新时期农民党员的先进性和代表性,就必须开拓农民党员新的活动领域,创造新的活动载体,达到党的建设与经济建设的有机结合。基于这一认识,定西县委立足县情,积极探索发挥农民党员先进性和代表性的有效实现形式,制定并实施了以党员带头致富、带领群众共同致富的“双富”创业工程,充分调动了农民党员的积极性。一、实施党员“双富”创业工程是巩固党在农村执政地位的重大举措。随着市场经济的发展,由于农民党员的权利和义务不对等,一部分党员将自己等同于普通群众;农民特别是青年农民入党的积极性不高;农民党员队伍的现状是年龄偏大、文化偏低、生活偏贫,在市场经济条件下无法起到先锋模范带头作用。这一问题直接影响着党在农村执政地位的巩固。所以,必须用市场经济原则,积极探索充分发挥农民党员先锋模范作用的有效载体和实现形式,我们实施党员“双富”创业工程正好是解决这一问题的良策。 Peasant party members are the cells of rural grass-roots party organizations. Only when the Peasant-Party members are full of vigor and vitality can rural party grass-roots organizations have combat effectiveness. With the development of rural economy and society, the environment in which Peasant Party members live has also undergone tremendous changes. How to adapt to the new situation of establishing a socialist market economy and actively implement the important thinking of the ’Three Represents, The advanced nature and the representativeness of party members must open up new areas of peasants’ activities and create new carriers of activities so as to achieve the organic combination of party building and economic construction. Based on this understanding, Dingxi County Committee has established a full-fledged county situation and actively explored and brought into play its effective form of accomplishing the advanced nature and representativeness of Peasant Party members. We have formulated and implemented a “double rich” entrepreneurial project that takes party members to lead and make the masses prosper, Mobilized the peasant members enthusiasm. First, the implementation of party members “double rich ” venture project is a major move to consolidate the party’s ruling position in the rural areas. With the development of market economy, due to the unequal rights and obligations of peasant party members, some party members equate themselves with ordinary people; peasants, especially young peasants, are not enthusiastic about entering the party; peasant party members are under-aged and have a low culture , Live in poverty, under the conditions of a market economy can not play the leading role model. This issue directly affects the consolidation of the party’s ruling position in the rural areas. Therefore, market economy principles must be actively explored to effectively bring into full play the exemplary role of peasant party members and their effective forms and forms of implementation. Our implementation of the party member ’double rich ’ venture project is just a good solution to this problem.
灵魂触碰的一霎那,在寸寸相逢的光阴里,你舞动那一怀缱绻温馨柔情。我聆听到花开的声音,悄悄地把你的美,镌刻在生命里。 Touch the moment of soul touch, in the time of t
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升学季,硅谷一家私立高中的升学办公室里,坐着一位紧张的学生Kara。对面的升学顾问翻着她的材料,脸上有着明显的忧虑:  “Kara,不要申请斯坦福了,他们只招全A生,你也不是俱乐部主席。那些申请斯坦福的孩子,都有惊人的履历。”  Kara知道那些孩子,他们修五门AP课程,是多个俱乐部的主席,外加校体育队的成员,还有数不清的奖项。可是Kara不是这样的,她以为,自己可能去不了梦想中的顶级大学了。  