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泉男生,高丽人,唐高宗时与其子泉献诚降唐,因助唐军时高丽作战有功,被高宗授使持节辽东大都督,上栓国,玄兔郡开国公,食邑二千户。泉献诚也被高泉和武则天所重用,实际上他们你子都成了唐的重要官员,死后都葬在洛阳芒(邙)山。泉男生、泉献诚父子,在唐和高丽的关系中有重要作用,有关文献都有记载。近读其父子的《墓志铭》,发现有关文献有不少缺漏或失误之处。笔者撰写此文,就是要把 Spring boys, Koreans, Emperor Gaozong and his son Quan Xian Tang down, to help the Tang army when Korea combat meritorious deeds, was Gaozong grant section Liaodong Metropolis, on the bolt, mysterious rabbit county founding public, eating euphaus two thousand . Quan Xian Cheng was also re-used by Gao Quan and Wu Zetian. In fact, they and your son became important officials of the Tang government and were buried in Luoyang Mountain after the death. Spring boys, Springs Xiancheng father and son, in the relationship between the Tang and Korea have an important role, the relevant literature are recorded. Nearly read the “epitaph” of his father and son, found that there are many missing or mistakes in the literature. The author wrote this article is to take
AIM: Recently, drinking load tests with water or nutritional beverages have been proposed as diagnostic tools for functional dyspepsia (FD), therefore we sought
贵州移动坚持“正德厚生臻于至善”的核心价值观,以关怀社会民生、关注民众福祉的高度社会责任感,用畅通的网络、优质的服务,回报各级党委政府和社会各界的关怀和帮 Guizhou
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