
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acshixiaoguang
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银川市委书记徐广国日前主持召开滨河新区规划提升暨控制性详细规划论证会,听取了滨河新区控详规划编制情况,以及专家学者的意见建议。滨河新区经过充分的调研论证,从战略上调整确立了生态城、文化城、旅游城、产业城的“四城”定位。同时,经过一年多的基础工作,已经具备了拓展城市空间、承载产业转移、开辟投资新热点的基础和条件。徐广国强调,在规划建设中要吸取国内外城市建设的好做法、好经验,创新理念、机制,避免“摊大饼”式的城市建设发展格局,不与其他城市比高楼大厦,而是要突出生态,突显个性,走特色化发展之路。 Recently, Xu Guangguo, party secretary of Yinchuan, presided over the demonstration plan of enhancing and controlling the detailed planning of Binhe New Area and heard the compilation of the detailed planning of Binhe New Area and the opinions and suggestions of experts and scholars. Binhe New Area after sufficient research and feasibility studies, from the strategic adjustment established eco-city, cultural city, tourist city, industrial city “Four City ” positioning. At the same time, after more than a year of basic work, we have already had the basis and conditions for expanding urban space, bearing the transfer of industries and opening up new hot spots for investment. Xu Guangguo stressed that it is necessary to draw lessons from the good practices, good experiences, innovative ideas and mechanisms of urban construction both at home and abroad in planning and construction so as to avoid the pattern of urban construction and development that is not shared by other cities. Instead, To highlight the ecology, highlighting personality, take the characteristics of development.
The brand of Bianyifang was established in A.D. 1416(Yongle 14th, Ming dynasty), 590 years ago. It is one of the oldest restaurants in China, famous for its roa
前几日,在国内某知名网站的 BBS 上,发现这样一个帖子:“暑假想去青岛旅游,哪些地方比较好玩?”支招者甚众,回帖也是五花八门,但其中,滨海步行道的“出镜率”之高,让记者有
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