The Central Guizhou and Yi-chang uplifts, Upper Yangtze region,between Ordovician and Silurian

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lukexingmm
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The Central Guizhou and Yichang Uplifts are present in central Guizhou to western Hubei. Biostrati-graphic evidences from more than 20 sections in 14 counties of this region provide the data about the duration of these uplifts. Although this duration differs from locality to locality, it is mainly from Ashgillian to Rhuddanian. The uplifts result from a horizontally driven movement to the South China Paleoplate from an uncertain block in southeast. Global sea-level drop during the end of the Ordovician made the uplifts obvious, particularly the Central Guizhou Uplift.It might have emerged above sea level in the short interval between the Ordovician and Silurian. The Central Guizhou and Yichang Uplifts are present in central Guizhou to western Hubei. Biostrati-graphic evidences from more than 20 sections in 14 counties of this region provide the data about the duration of these uplifts. Although this duration differs from locality to locality, it is mainly from Ashgillian to Rhuddanian. The uplifts result from arallel driven movement to the South China Paleoplate from an uncertain block in southeast. Global sea-level drop during the end of the Ordovician made the uplifts obvious, particularly the Central Guizhou Uplift. It might have consistently above sea level in the short interval between the Ordovician and Silurian.
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