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3—6岁的儿童,由于他们身心的发展比先学前期儿童全面、稳定,已经有可能从事一些简单的力所能及的劳动。可当今部分年轻父母视子女为掌上明珠。孩子只要能衣来伸手、饭来张口便心满意足了。他们总认为自己的孩子小,不能从事劳动活动,也有个别家长误认为劳动会影响孩子的生长发育,所以什么事情都尽量替孩子安排好,甚至到了5、6岁连扣纽扣、系鞋带、独立进餐等自我服务性的劳动也不让孩子做。表面上看,这样做是疼爱孩子实际上对儿童一点益处也没有。 劳动对儿童身心发展都起着积极的促进作用,尤其是肌肉、骨骼的发育离不开活动的作用,通过劳动还能促进儿童神经系统的发展,并能提高儿童的认识能力,使其更精确地反映客观世界。因为劳动过 Children 3-6 years old may already be able to do something as simple as they can because of their physical and mental development in a more comprehensive and stable manner than that of the children of the first period. Some young parents today may regard their children as pearl of the palm. As long as the child can reach out to the clothes, meals are happy enough to open his mouth. They always think their children are small, can not engage in labor activities, there are individual parents mistakenly believe that the labor will affect the child’s growth and development, so everything is best arranged for the children, and even to the 5,6-year-old button fastening, tie shoelaces, Self-service work such as eating alone does not allow children to do it. On the face of it, it does not really benefit children at all if they do love children. Labor plays a positive role in promoting the physical and mental development of children. In particular, the development of muscles and bones can not be separated from the activity. It can also promote the development of children’s nervous system through labor and can increase children’s cognitive ability and make them more accurate Reflect the objective world. Because of work
据Zheng JY[Cell Death Differ,2017,4(3):546-558.]报道,新加坡A*STAR研究所的科学家通过研究开发出了一种能够使得干细胞疗法更加安全的新型抗体。干细胞能为再生医学的进
一、跌倒了,爬起来我下班归来,远远地看见一个小孩正匍伏在地,四处张望着。走近一看,方才知道他正是我那不满两岁的小儿。脚下的情形使我想起一件往事: 那是1年前,我和爱人
现批准《城市轨道交通工程工程量计算规范》为国家标准,编号为GB 50861—2013,自2013年7月1日起实施。其中,第1.0.3、4.2.1、4.2.2、4.2.3、4.2.4、4.2.5、4.2.6、4.3.1条(款