A Brief History of Chinese ELT System

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  Early at Ming Dynasty in the late 1860s,the Modern Chinese English Language Teaching (ELT) system was first founded.From then on,English became a“preferred foreign language”of Chinese modern educational system.“From 1966 to 1976 and several years before that,the‘open door schooling’was the policy of education in China…Therefore,1977 was the beginning of a new era of education including ELT in China”Ye(2006).At this period,Chinese ELT system was structure based and grammar and vocabulary focused.Students were evaluated by written test results and expected to meet vocabulary memorizing requirements.There were obvious problems that traditional methods of grammar teaching only took the students’skill of examination as the teaching aim. Students had no chance to use there English abilities in communication.
  As researcher Hu (2005) marked in his research work,Chinese government also adopted a new Communicative Learning Teaching (CLT) method in the late 70s instead of the previous grammar-translation methodology (GT) and audio-lingualism methodology (ALM).Ng and Tang (1997) explained that“In this teaching method,classroom teachers focused on grammar and structure,which produced unsatisfactory results.Students had little ability to speak and understand English.”
  Listening,speaking and culture studying practices had been gradually added into the CLT syllabus in the late 90s.Other than grammar and vocabulary practices,students have also been taught to repeat sample conversations,and practice listening exercises with tape recorders.Teachers started to use English movies,songs,magazines,and other materials to teach English culture and history at this period (Ye,2006).
  In result of the Open-Door policy that Chinese government adopted in the 80’s,the idea of“teaching English for communication”was adapted to Chinese ELT system around year 2000.Classroom activities became student-centered instead of traditional teacher-centered.There were changes on language instructions also,that student-participation oriented instructions became the majority method applied in English teaching.“…which made more political,economic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries possible and necessary.Through academic books and journals,teachers who taught English in China were exposed to teaching methods such as the Audio-lingual Method and the Communicative Approach.They have had access to numerous methods or approaches”Jiang(2006).
  However,as applying the new widespread CLT method,more and more problems exist in Chinese ELT classrooms.The two major problems are that students are exposed in the target language,which is English,for a very limited amount of time,and students always shy away from oral English practice.   The first problem is the short class periods for college ESL classes.It causes Chinese students only have limited time to expose in an English environment.It is actually a common problem which most English learners in China have encountered.According to Yu (2006),for most university students in China, non-English majors,the required ELT teaching time is about four hours a week,generally 4 class periods each week.In some areas the class hours are even lower to one to three hours each week. The problem is,“(the) medium of instruction is Putonghua [Mandarin Chinese] in China and students are exposed to English only during class time.Hence,the amount of English input given by teachers is an essential variable contributing to acquisition of the target language”(Lai,1993).
  Another problem is that students who have been trained by the GT method since they were little showed insufficient oral expressive ability.They were used to the teacher-lecturing method and lack of speaking practices in and outside of classrooms.Finally it turned into a fear of verbal expression in English because of lack of verbal communication.As Ye (2006) mentioned in his research that teachers today commonly complaining about their students’unwillingness of speaking up in class.“My students won’t talk” is becoming the major problem in today’s ESL/EFL class.Ye also noted in his book,the main reasons that students won’t talk in class are afraid of inaccuracy in grammar and pronunciation.What’s more,there are no speaking requirements in general English exams (final exams,or the College English Test (CET)) is also a reason that blocked students away from spoken English practices.
  [1]Hu,G.(2005).Contextual influences on instructional practices:A Chinese case for an ecological approach to ELT.TESOL Quarterly,39(4),635-660.
  [2]Jiang,J.(2006).Communicative activities in EFL classrooms. Hangzhou:Zhejiang University Press.
  [3]Lai,E.F.K.(1993).Report of a TEFL workshop in China.Occasional papers in English language teaching,1993(pp.93-102).Hong Kong:Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  [4]Ng,C.,& Tang,E.(1997).Teachers needs in the process of EFL reform in China-a report from Shanghai.City university of Hong Kong department of English working papers,6,63-85.
  [6]Ye,J.(2006).Advanced teacher education:Theory and practice.Zhe Jiang University Press:Zhejiang.
  胡波(1981~ )女,汉,湖北武汉人,湖北大学知行学院外语系教师 英语教育硕士。
[摘要] 历史雄辩地证明,代表中国先进文化的前进方向是中国共产党先进性的重要体现,是推进党的事业不断发展的重要保证;新时期加强党的先进性建设必须牢牢把握先进文化发展的主导权,建设和弘扬反映时代要求的新文化。  [关键词] 先进文化; 党的先进性  [中图分类号] D261 [文献标识码] A [文章编号]1007-1962(2005)13-0019-03    一个政党是否先进,不仅在于它的阶级基
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