创新督办工作机制 全力抓好卫生重点难点工作

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2009年以来,自治区卫生厅始终坚持以科学发展观为统领,把督办工作作为推进卫生事业发展的重要抓手,通过明确职责分工,狠抓重点难点工作,不断提高督办工作水平。截至2010年8月,共办理自治区党委、政府领导重要批示件24件,人大代表建议73件,政协委员 Since 2009, the Department of Health of the Autonomous Region has always adhered to the scientific outlook on development as its guideline and has supervised the work of supervision as an important starting point for promoting the development of the health sector. By clearly defining the division of responsibilities and paying particular attention to key and difficult tasks, the department of public health in the autonomous region continuously improves the level of supervision and administration. As of August 2010, a total of 24 cases of important instructions from the party committees and governments in the autonomous region, 73 suggestions from NPC deputies and members of the CPPCC National Committee
目的:研究大果大戟Euphorbia wallichii地上部分挥发油的化学成分。方法:采用水蒸气蒸馏法,得到大果大戟挥发油,利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术进行化学成分分析。结果:共分离出2
Kodak DirectView CR850利用单IP板成像技术,在一台设备上完成计算机成像工作[1]。它能在短时间内处理大量患者图像,具有高效、稳定、占地小等优点[2],但由于处理数据量大、
分析了U型钢调质线生产工艺中手动调节的缺点,采用了PID调节的新方法.完成了硬件设计和软件系统,并进行了现场应用. The disadvantages of manual adjustment in U-shaped steel
一个人的职业形象与其职业礼仪是分不开的,现对职业形象与职业礼仪谈一些心得。 A person’s career image and its professional etiquette are inseparable, and now on t
提出一种用于绘制加工等螺旋角刀具槽形用凸轮廓形的简易作图设计法,给出了作图步骤及设计实例。 A simple drawing design method is proposed for drawing the profile of