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安装好了声卡,下面该讲讲CD-ROM驱动器了,这也是一台MPC中不可缺少的部分。在选择不同种类的光驱时,应以自己的实际情况及需要为原则。 内置式光驱大小相当于一个5英寸软盘驱动器,它安装于PC机内部,采用PC机电源的标准插头供电,由数据线及音频线与声卡或主机相连。如果机箱中已没有空余安置光驱,那么就应选择外置式光驱。它不需PC机的内部电源直接供电,只需使用数据线及音频线将之与接口卡或声卡从外部相连。由于外置式光驱为防尘式设计,因而价格也高一些。 速度及Cache(高速缓存)的大小是衡量光驱品质的最重要的指标,也是决定其价格的重要因素。目前市场上多为双速、四速、六速(900KB/秒)几种。Cache从64K到256K不等。从性能价格比来看,具有256KCache的四速光驱当是首选。 从光驱的接口来看,厂家接口由于是各生产厂家自己定义的,因而相互间差别很大。如SONY接口的光驱与Panasonic接口的光驱数据线的针数不同,音频线的定义也不同,因而比较混乱。SCSI口的光驱虽为工业标准接口,而且速度较快,但价格相对偏高,因而使用面也较窄。相比之下,目前最受欢迎的便是IDE接口的光驱了。由于它的数据线定义与硬盘接口一样,所以尽管光驱的生产厂家不同。但却可以用双硬盘线将之与硬盘相连接(不需要任何接口卡),所 Sound card installed, the following talk about CD-ROM drive, which is an integral part of the MPC. In the choice of different types of optical drive, should be based on their actual situation and the need for the principle. Built-in optical drive size is equivalent to a 5-inch floppy drive, which is installed in the PC, using a standard power supply PC power supply, the data cable and audio cable connected with the sound card or host. If there is no spare drive in the chassis, you should select an external optical drive. It does not require the PC’s internal power supply directly, simply use the data cable and audio cable with the interface card or sound card from the outside. As the external optical drive for the dust-proof design, and thus the price is higher. The speed and size of the cache are the most important indicators of the quality of the optical drive and an important factor in determining the price. Currently on the market mostly two-speed, four-speed, six-speed (900KB / s) several. Cache from 64K to 256K range. From a cost-performance point of view, with a 256KCache four-speed optical drive is preferred. From the CD-ROM interface point of view, the manufacturer interface is defined by the manufacturers themselves, and thus very different from each other. Such as SONY interface CD-ROM drive and Panasonic interface, the number of pins of the optical drive data line different definition of audio lines are different, and therefore more confusing. SCSI port optical drive although the industry standard interface, but also faster, but the price is relatively high, so the use of surface is also narrower. In contrast, the most popular IDE interface is the CD-ROM drive. Because of its data line definition and hard disk interface, so although the optical drive manufacturer is different. However, it can be hard disk with dual hard drive to connect (do not need any interface card), the
肯尼迪虽已作古,但他为美国人创造的思想与物质财富却千古不朽,尤其是在1962年发表的《关于保护消费者权益的总统特别咨文》,不仅让美国的消费者坐上了“上帝”的玉銮,也让全世界被上帝愚弄的黎民百姓当上了“消费帝”。  从1987年3月15日起,在匮乏的物质世界里踽踽经久的国人,终于回过神、缓过气来,开始尝试从资本强迫的生存方式中挣扎出来,去拷问制造的质量、品质的优劣,意图让假冒伪劣的消费秩序回归真实,
糖蜜草(Melinis minutiflora)属于禾本科,一年生或多年生草本植物。它原产于热带美洲、非洲。广东省于1981年作为牧草开始引种,1988年我们用作治理水土流失的优良牧草对其进