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根据我国财会制度,企业潜在盈亏不是法定的考核指标,但是它却客观地存在着,而且必将日益受到企业所有者、经营者和生产者的关注,特别是在当前落实承包经营责任制过程中,对企业潜在盈亏进行考核更有现实意义。如何考核企业潜在盈亏呢?笔者认为,企业的潜在盈亏产生于企业生产经营活动的各个环节,其中有的是企业经营者有意造成的,例如有的企业弄虚作假,把已经实现的利润掩盖起来,或者搞虚盈实亏。有的却是由于市场情况发生变化,或者企业经营管理不善所造成。因此,考核潜在盈亏也应按照资金运动 According to the financial accounting system of China, the potential profit and loss of the company is not a statutory assessment index, but it exists objectively and will increasingly be concerned by the owners, operators and producers of the business, especially in the process of implementing the contract responsibility system. It is more realistic to assess the potential profit and loss of the company. How to assess the potential profit and loss of the company? The author believes that the company’s potential profit and loss arises from all aspects of the company’s production and business activities, some of which is caused by the intention of business operators, such as some companies fraud, to cover up the profits already achieved, or engage in Really profitable. Some are caused by changes in market conditions or poor corporate management. Therefore, assessing the potential profit and loss should also be in accordance with the movement of funds.
Objective Oxidative stress plays an important role in retinal pigmental epithelium (RPE) death during aging and the development of age-related macular degenerat
杭州市上城区望江门外的海潮路北段有一地名:始版桥。据历代民间传说,这里是北宋庆历年间的伟大发明家毕昇故居和始创活字排版印刷术的遗址地。古地名始版桥由来已久,沿用千年至今。现在此地建有始版桥新村的住宅小区。    毕的历史功绩  毕昇,北宋时代中期杭州人。据有关史料记载,毕昇祖上原籍湖北英山县,家庭出身贫寒,幼年跟随父母家人从湖北避灾逃荒而流落到杭州。当时栖居在望江门外菜农聚居的近江村一带,即现今海
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改革开放作为一场新的伟大革命,是加快我省发展的强大动力,是富民强省的必由之路。坚持以改革开放开创新的局面,努力破除各种思想和体制障碍,牢固树立世界眼光和战略 As a n
真假护照鱼目混珠 世界上部分国家有着互免签证的协议,持这些国家护照在协议国入境一般比较容易过关。近几年,一些西方国家如美国、英 True or False Passports Some count
目的应用速度向量成像技术(VVI)结合心肌做功指数(Tei指数)评价海洛因依赖者左心室功能,以探索反映早期心肌功能异常的敏感性指标。方法 30例海洛因长期依赖者作为病例组,30
本文对美国黑山派的诗歌理论和创作进行了探讨,分析了这派诗人在艺术上的试验与创新。 This paper discusses the theory and creation of poetry of the Montenegrin Schoo