
来源 :浙江疾病监测 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:df_871
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金温公路从西北到东南横贯我区,途经缙云、丽水和青田三县,沿途密布旅馆、停车场或饮食兼旅馆,有数百家之多,从业人员上千人。为了搞清楚这些人员罹患性传播疾病情况,为性病防治工作提供依据,我站在公安、卫生及工商等行政部门的支持下,对该从业人员开展了性传播疾病的监测工作,结果如下:材料与方法一、调查时间:1989年4月~5月。二、被检查人员:按公安部门提供的饮食旅馆业从业人员名单,分片集中检查。三、调查范围:金温公路干线从缙云及永康交界处开始,至青田和永嘉交界处止; Jinwen highway runs from northwest to southeast through our district, passing Jinyun, Lishui and Qingtian three counties, densely populated hotels, parking or restaurants and hotels, there are hundreds, employing thousands of people. In order to clarify the situation of these persons suffering from sexually transmitted diseases and provide the basis for the prevention and control of STDs, I, with the support of the public security, public health, industrial and commercial administrative departments, carried out the monitoring of sexually transmitted diseases on the practitioners. The results are as follows: Materials With the method one, the investigation time: April 1989 ~ May. Second, the inspected staff: according to the public security department catering industry practitioners list, centralized inspection. Third, the scope of the survey: Jinwen highway trunk from Jinyun and Yongkang junction to the junction of Qingtian and Yongjia only;
想要强身健体、大补身体是可以令人理解的,但是,不要“过犹不及”才好 Want to keep fit, body nourishing is understandable, but do not “too far”
  During the take-off course of the Rocket-Based Combined Cycle ( RBCC ) engine,the embedded strut-jet rocket in itself is a supersonic ejector.In the quasi-1
经三年试验观测表明,渭北旱塬采取垄沟覆膜栽培法,能有效接纳降水入渗,减少水分损失,改善农田水分状况,提高作物产量水平。 After three years of experimental observation show
新婚是令人迷恋的难忘时期。新婚之夜又往往被人看作神秘的时刻,其实,在人的一生中,新婚只是新生活的开始,是一个家庭的诞生,做好新婚时的卫 Marriage is a fascinating me
【摘 要】现有的钢结构是由型钢、板材和冲压件组成的天型焊接结构。焊接是它的主要连接方式。防爆人车、料车中的车厢、底架、驾驶室各个连接点的焊接以及各种来料加工制作都离不开电焊机,它在黄陵二号煤矿机修车间工作任务中占50%,发挥了很大的作用。但是,电焊机在频繁使用中对人体所造成的各种伤害值得我们深思,应有有效对策。  【关键词】电焊机;使用;思考  1.现有企业中电焊机的基本情况  焊机的型号杂、品种