
来源 :山西煤炭管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfszlfs2009
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当前,在党中央的领导下,各级领导干部中正广泛深入地开展讲学习、讲政治、讲正气的“三讲”活动。这不仅对各级领导班子建设有非常重要的现实意义,而且对各级机关及所有干部提高自身素质,不断改进工作,也有着十分积极的影响。 作为机关保卫干部,一定要讲正气、树形象,在工作中正确处理好树形象与提高素质的关系、树形象与加强制度建设的关系。树形象与加强监督的关系、树形象与充分发挥职能的关系;同时强化政治意识,强化责任意识,强化服务意识,强化自律意识。 At present, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, leading cadres at all levels are conducting a broad and in-depth “three stresses” campaign of emphasizing learning, speaking of politics and upholding integrity. This not only has very important practical significance for the construction of leading bodies at all levels, but also has a very positive impact on the improvement of the quality of all organs and cadres at all levels and the continuous improvement of their work. As an organ to defend cadres, we must attach importance to righteousness and the image of the tree. We should properly handle the relationship between the tree image and the quality in our work and the relationship between the tree image and the enhancement of system construction. The relationship between the tree image and supervision, the relationship between the tree image and giving full play to its functions; at the same time, strengthening political awareness, strengthening responsibility awareness, strengthening service awareness and strengthening awareness of self-discipline.
坐落在大别山南麓的湖北省红安县,是黄麻起义的策源地和鄂豫皖革命根据地的心脏。在这片神奇的热土上,走出了223名共和国将军,为中国革命胜利和军队建设发展建立了不 Locate
2010年以来,山西省认真贯彻落实中央和省委关于加强农村党风廉政建设工作的部署和要求,坚持在探索中创新,在创新中发展,以城中村、矿产资源型农村、矛盾突出村为切入点, Sin
为明确甜樱桃流胶病的病原菌,采用普通细菌学方法从15个病样中分离获得10个代表性菌株,对病原菌的形态学特征、生理生化特性以及致病性进行了研究。利用PCR对菌株的16S-23S r
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