
来源 :广东经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:datoufangyuan
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对外经济贸易是我省经济发展的“生命线”,外源型经济是广东经济的最大优势和特色。广东省省长黄华华在《拓展外源型经济发展空间》一文中指出,2004年我省的外经贸工作,必须按照统筹兼顾、突出重点的要求,紧紧围绕省委、省政府的中心任务来开展。要立足于做大做强外源型经济,着力于全年外经贸工作任务的完成,按照外经贸工作“一个确保”、“六个更加注重”、“四个重点抓好”的思路,不断开创全省对外开放和外经贸发展的新局面。敬请读者垂注。 Foreign economic and trade are the “lifeline” of our province’s economic development. Exogenous economy is the biggest advantage and characteristic of Guangdong’s economy. Huang Huahua, governor of Guangdong Province, pointed out in his article “Expanding the Space for Foreign Economic Development” that in 2004, the work of foreign trade and economic cooperation in our province must focus on the central tasks of the provincial party committee and the provincial government in accordance with the requirements of overall consideration and emphasis on key issues, Carry out. We must base ourselves on expanding and strengthening the economy of the source type and focusing on the completion of the task of foreign trade and economic cooperation throughout the year. In line with the ideas of “one assurance”, “six more focused” and “four focused priorities” in foreign trade and economic cooperation, Open up a new prospect of the province’s opening to the outside world and the development of foreign economy and trade. Please note.
The balance theory was supposed in 1950s,and it provides the theory basis for optimizing the classroom teaching.By applying this theory,we discuss how to keep b
<正> 胎儿娩出24小时内出血量超过500ml者称产后出血。产后出血为产妇重要死亡原因之一,在我国居首位。1995年,我院产科分娩总数956例,产后出血22例,发病率占2.3%。现总结如下