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如果有一天你走在大街上,看到沿途往来的男士尽是发髻高耸,两耳挂环,手指上、脖颈上及腰间的佩饰像风铃一般叮当作响,千万不必大惊小怪,否则的话不但会被视为跟不上现代,恐怕还要被讥笑跟不上古代呢。因为我们几千年前的老祖宗就是这样大肆修饰自己的,人类令人瞠目的考古成果在我们眼前将这一尽显男性奇妙风姿的盛景——复原。在已经出土的商朝男墓中,考古学者们发现了大量的发针、金耳环等种类繁多的名贵饰品,男人在那个远古年代的超级外在风光由此不难想见。联想到在自然界中,雄性动物往往也是艳丽超群,令雌性动物绝难比肩,现代男性想来总该有所觉悟了。无可否认,这是一个鼓励个性蔓延的时 If one day you walk in the street and see men along the way is full of hair towering, hanging on both ears, fingers, neck and waist accessories like jingle bell jingle, do not make a fuss, or Will not only be regarded as not keeping up with modern times, but I am afraid to be ridiculed to keep up with ancient times. Because of our ancestors thousands of years ago is such a drastic modification of their own, human eye-catching archaeological achievements in front of us this full male magnificent scenery spectacular - recovery. Archaeologists have discovered a large number of valuable accessories such as hair pins and gold earrings in the Shang Dynasty male tombs that have been unearthed. It is not hard to imagine a man’s super-exteriors in that ancient era. Think of in nature, the male animals are often brilliant superior, so that females hard to shoulder, modern men always want to come to realize. Admittedly, this is a time to encourage personal growth
对这个时代心存感恩,因为你认为对成功者而言,这是一个最好的时代。有的人迷失了,有的人堕落了,有的人喋喋 Thanksgiving about this era, because you think this is a bes
2000年曾经辉煌一时的德国足球就像一个垂暮的老人,突然之间失去了生气,马特乌斯挥手作别,然而德国对此似乎并没有准备好,至少到现在为止还没有出现一个 Germany’s glitzy
奈杰尔·马丁国籍:英格兰生日:1966年8月11日身高:6尺1 场上位置:门将曾效力球队:水晶宫队现效力球队:利兹联队代表国家队出场:14次首次代表国家队出场:1992年5月12日对匈牙
In this study, Schwann cells, at a density of 1 × 105 cells/well, were cultured on regenerated silk fibroin nanofibers (305 ± 84 nm) prepared using the electr
颅内蛛网膜囊肿临床少见,约占颅内占位性病变1%,极易造成误诊。我们于1993年7月至10月收治2例,均误诊为其他疾病,现报告分析如下。 1 病例介绍 例1,男,19个月。因频繁抽搐6小
The solubility properties of ZnCl-2/ZnAc-2/ZnSO-4_Met_H-2O systems at 25℃ in the whole cocentration range have been investigated by phase equilibrium method. T