
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yukon_hawk
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1949年3月5日至13日,在河北省平山县西柏坡召开的七届二中全会,是中国共产党在新中国成立前夕举行的一次重要的中央全会,到会的中央委员有34人,侯补中央委员19人,列席会议的各部门负责人11人。对于这次会议的性质,毛泽东在会议的结论中鲜明地指出:“这次二中全会,按其性质来说就是一次党的代表会议”。这一郑重的科学结论,在历史档案中沉睡了近半个世纪。1996年《毛泽东选集》第5卷出版时,收录了《在中共七届二中全会上的总结》这一重要历史文献。这次中央会议曾为新中国建立奠定了理论和政策基础,我们今天把这一珍贵理论观点发掘出来,献给人民共和国五十周年华诞,有十分重要的意义。这次会议为新中国建立奠定了理论和政策基础,可从以下六方面来理解。第一,提出了促进革命迅速取 From March 5 to March 13, 1949, the 7th Plenary Session of the 7th CPC Central Committee in Xibaipo, Pingshan County, Hebei Province, was an important plenary session of the CPC held on the eve of the founding of People’s Republic of China. There were 34 Central Committee members attending the meeting, 19 members of the Central Committee attended the meeting, and 11 heads of departments attended the meeting. In regard to the nature of this meeting, Mao Zedong pointed out clearly in the conclusion of the meeting: “This Second Plenary Session is by its very nature a conference of party representatives.” This solemn scientific conclusion, asleep in the history file for nearly half a century. When the fifth volume of the Selected Works of Mao Zedong in 1996 was published, it contained the important historical document “Summary at the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.” This Central Committee has laid the theoretical and policy foundation for the founding of New China. It is of great significance that we today excavated this precious theoretical point of view and dedicated it to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The conference laid the theoretical and policy foundation for the founding of New China, which can be understood from the following six aspects. First, it is proposed to promote the rapid adoption of the revolution
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