
来源 :森林防火 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:darkelf696
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《森林防火》是国家林业局主管、南京森林警察学院主办的综合性期刊,是我国森林防火领域唯一的国内外公开发行的期刊,是森林防火战线工作人员和领导自己的宣传、经验交流的主阵地。我们始终贯彻面向全国、面向基层、面向森林防火第一线的办刊方针,坚持理论联系实际,以解决实际工作中存在的问题为主,普及与提高相结合的办刊宗旨。订阅办法如下:1.《森林防火》自办发行。贵单位或个人可以通过银行或邮寄将订阅款汇至或邮寄给我们,并注明订阅防火杂志款。 Forest Fire Prevention is a comprehensive journal sponsored by the State Forestry Administration and sponsored by the Nanjing Forest Police College. It is the only publicly-issued periodical in the field of forest fire prevention in China. It is also used by forest fire prevention staff and leaders who lead their own propaganda and experience exchanges position. We have always followed the guideline of running the newspaper on the front line of forest fire prevention in the face of facing the whole country, facing the grassroots level, and upholding the principle of combining the theory with practice and solving the problems existing in the practical work, and popularizing and enhancing the combination. Subscribe as follows: 1. “Forest Fire” self-issued. Your organization or individual can remit or mail the subscriptions via bank or post to us and indicate the subscription to the fire safety magazine.
1 山东黄河水资源开发利用现状 山东省地处黄河最下游的黄泛平原,是重要的粮、棉、油生产基地。当地淡水资源十分缺乏,多年降水量偏少,且有明显的季节性。黄河是山东省主要
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本文系统地分析了水工混凝土在施工过程中常见的干缩裂缝 ,温度裂缝 ,冷缝等的成因及危害 ,并提出一些实用的防治和修补措施 This paper systematically analyzes the cause
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