Herb-drug enzyme-mediated interactions and the associated experimental methods: a review

来源 :Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yueyingz4l
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OBJECTIVE: To review the interactions between herbs and widely used drugs and summarize the associated experimental methods.METHODS: Definite herb-drug interactions were obtained by searching Pub Med, other large overseas databases and summarizing new researches from China. We summarize some methods to assess the interaction between herbs and drugs involving microsomal, cell culture and animal experiments, and clinical trials, classifying this method as single ingredient herbs, crude herb extracts, andherbal formulae.RESULTS: Many herbs interact with drugs through a complex cytochrome P450 and/or P-glycoprotein mechanism. Herb-induced enzyme inhibition and/or induction may result in enhanced and / or decreased plasma, tissue, urine and bile drug concentrations, leading to a change in a drug’s pharmacokinetic parameters and resulting in the improper treatment of patients and potentially severe side effects. Use of an appropriate method for comprehensively assessing herb-drug interactions can minimize clinical risks. Different methods were used by researchers to assess the pharmacological changes of drugs in vivo and in vitro and the mechanisms of the interactions from microsomal, cell culture and animal experiments, and clinical trials are discussed in this review.CONCLUSION: Co-medication with herbs can result in changes in pharmacological effects of many drugs. This review describes the assessment of single-ingredient herbs, crude herb extracts, and herbal formulae. When choosing a research method to investigate herb-drug interactions, the properties of the drugs and herbs should be considered. OBJECTIVE: To review the interactions between herbs and widely used drugs and summarize the associated experimental methods. METHODS: Definite herb-drug interactions were obtained by searching Pub Med, other large overseas databases and summarizing new researches from China. the interaction between herbs and drugs involving microsomal, cell culture and animal experiments, and clinical trials, classifying this method as single ingredient herbs, crude herb extracts, andherbal formulae .RESULTS: Many herbs interact with drugs through a complex cytochrome P450 and / or P -glycoprotein mechanism. Herb-induced enzyme inhibition and / or induction may result in enhanced and / or decreased plasma, tissue, urine and bile drug concentrations, leading to a change in a drug’s pharmacokinetic parameters and resulting in the improper treatment of patients. severe side effects. Use of an appropriate method for comprehensively assessing herb-drug interaction s can minimize clinical risks. Different methods were used by researchers to assess the pharmacological changes of drugs in vivo and in vitro and the mechanisms of the interactions from microsomal, cell culture and animal experiments, and clinical trials are discussed in this review.CONCLUSION: Co-medication with herbs can result in changes in pharmacological effects of many drugs. This review describes the assessment of single-ingredient herbs, crude herb extracts, and herbal formulas. When choosing a research method to investigate herb-drug interactions, the properties of the drugs and herbs should be considered.
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