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近日,分众传媒将起家业务——户外数字媒体业务出售给新浪的消息一经发出,犹如一记惊雷震惊业内,激起层层涟漪,引发了业界对与分众模式类似的新媒体前途的担忧——新媒体公司、网站、投资商、企业、广告公司、咨询机构……各路相关人士众说纷纭,揣测不已。一波未平一波又起,国内健身媒体领域最具影响力的两大品牌:活跃传媒与律动传媒(原分众子公司)日前正式宣布合并。至此,新媒体以2009年为开端掀起了行业新—轮整合并购的风潮。事实上,个中情况引起业内如此强烈的关注不足为奇。目前整个新媒体行业在金融危机的影响下蹒跚而行时,合并是新媒体剑走偏锋的华丽转身还是为挽救自身的勉力之举?双方的资源、人员、运作如何做乘法?手握资本的投资商们如何对新的组合体估值?新的整合模式能否成为整个行业的创新标杆?本期专栏以此为起点,在为各方提供探讨的平台同时,也希冀能为新媒体行业的整体发展指出一条可行的出路,并为2009年继续前行的户外新媒体公司提供有价值的启示与帮助。 Recently, Focus Media will start a business - the outdoor digital media business to SINA news was issued, like a thunder shocked the industry, stirred layers of ripples, triggering concerns about the industry with the Focus Media model similar to the new media - New media companies, websites, investors, companies, advertising agencies, consulting agencies ... Various stakeholders have different opinions and speculations. A wave of ups and downs, the most influential domestic fitness media field two brands: active media and rhythm media (formerly Focus’s subsidiary) recently formally announced the merger. At this point, the new media started in 2009 set off a new wave of industry consolidation round of mergers and acquisitions. In fact, it is not surprising that the situation has drawn so much attention in the industry. At present, when the entire new media industry falters under the influence of the financial crisis, is merger a gorgeous turnaround of the new media sword or an effort to save itself? How can resources, personnel and operations be multiplied by each other? Investors how to value the new portfolio? The new integration model can become an innovation benchmark for the entire industry? This column as a starting point for all parties to provide a platform for exploration, but also look forward to the new media industry The overall development pointed out a feasible way out and provided valuable inspiration and help for the outdoor new media companies that continued in 2009.
中国从远古以来,就始终有一个中心主题让艺术围绕着它在进行创作。这个主题就是对生命的崇拜、对生殖的崇拜。 中国人是信仰祖先崇拜的族群,而祖先崇拜最重要的环节是族群延
大冻后三湖柑桔存在问题及对策廖学林(江西省新干县经济作物管理局331300)新干县三湖镇,全镇40764人,耕地34797亩,栽柑桔24447亩,1991年柑格总产2750万kg,是我省著名的柑桔产地.1991年冬的特大冻害,共冻死柑桔21888亩,... Liao
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